Boy Trouble Update


It;s me again..

first of all,

I wanna thank sooo many people who actually read my other blog post

and helped me out! xx

I really appreciate it and i know you guys are really warm hearted people :)

Ily so much! thnx~



With the problem..

Today, i guess..

Well... :/ i realise something really heartbreaking :'(

At first, i trid to talk to him but i was kinda a fail :s

but like i gave him a small present cuz i didn't want it


Then things were like all smooth

but then..


This friend i have,

She is like taking all the attnetion and he likes her now..

well im sure of it.. the signs are so definite..


My friend isn;t that popular or anything but she has this "thing" with boys

and she alreasdy has a boyfriend and she flirts with other guys in class.

Ok first,

i wanna say she's not a

she just has this way to get to boys.. :/

annoys me and ma friends as well but oh well..

Just the way she is..

And like.. i never thought she would hog it like this as well..

Well it's not rlli her but the boy i like is always following her around and idk how i can make him notice me..

Time's already tickinh so fast

as the hols began already and like idk what to do..

My friend isn;t rlli hogging him but he likes her (i think)

and like it makes me feel as she's hogging him like she does with every guy..

I usually never get crushes and this is a special little thing for me and her hogging it just makes me feel so deflated..


And i can;t rlli tell any of my friends i like him because it would be way too embarrassing and i think time needs to pass until i can tell them..

because i've been kinda acting like i don't like him infront of ma friends so they don't get any wrong ideas..

is that a bad idea..? :/

So i guess im alone in this..

But i know u guys helped me and i love u guys for it! xx



but things are getting rlli out of hand and i know i can't control his feelings nor make him like me

so it's just a matter of time..



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awwwwwww!!! okay, so you dont really need to hide your feelings away from ur friends, if they are REAL/TRUE friends they would not tell and they would try to help you ,even if it is embarassing, but if you friend has a bf and is flirting with guys, thts just really wrong, i know she is ur friend but she should stop it if she has a bf, if the guy u like is acting different from u than ur friend than maybe he does like her (not trying to get u upset)if she is flirting with the guy u like then u should tell her to back off IMEDIATLY, but do it in a nice way, if she tells him or does something bad about then she is not a true friend to believe at ALL. i hope this helps alittle bit, and always remember to try to be confident in urself, nobody's perfect. :)
don't be scared of your friend. she is just a girl with desire to be friend with boy(?) Lol, just ignore me x)

urghh, btw, just be confidence and show your true feeling. never ever hide your feelings. it'll just make the problem worse, chaotic and most of all complicated.

trust yourself <3
You should maybe stop acting like you don't like him, maybe that's why your friend is being so close with him. If she understood you liked him she would maybe try and tell him about you? Good luck <3
JinXiChe #4
awwww girl!!! your friend needs to stop flirting with other guys... she has a bf and she needs to be more aware of that fact!
i guess u cud be competitive (i tried that and it was fun!). but if u think he wont go for u, just stop liking him then i guess. for me, i can find a new guy in a few days (kpop idols lol). i hope im not giving u crummy advice O-O; anyways, good luck<3