Boy Trouble :/

Hey Everyone!


JoJochoco here ;)

As you know, I am 14 and currently in middle school in Australia.

And uh..

I am Korean.

And it's rlli embarrasing for me to say this ><

But i rlli need help..

Im having Boy trouble..

I am the really quiet and antisocial type who doesn't talk to alot of people

except girls, because like im really shy around boys and like i prefer to talk to girls..

and those girls, i mean those ones who are not as pretty

but like just the same as me. Because, i find that it's vry uncomfortable for me to be around ppl with higher standards than me..


Anyway, there is this guy in my class

and he's korean as well..

I sorta like him but then im too shy to actually like do anything

and i never talk to him, as i said

i don't talk to boys cuz im shy around them..

like he seems to notice me bcause im da only korean girl in class

but like.. -_-

we just never talk..

And well, there are 2 korean guys in ma class.

The one i sorta like and the other one is a total Pain in the , who is a ing show off and is anorexic.

U know those boys




that butthole is always in da way

and it makes it rlli hand for me to go on with school life.. :s

firstly, he GOSSIPS

I know, ur probs like


but it's true.. he does..

and guess what, he has a twin brother who is much worser.


and the butthole is always around the guy i like

and it makes me feel really uncomfortable around him.. :(

I want to talk to him (aka the guy i like)

and i wanna get to know him more

but it's impossible for me..


And like ppl have said to me: be brave and take the risk, u never know! he might have liked u as well


Yeah like me my .

Im like rlli..

I feel as im not good enuf for him..

i feel as im not good enuf for any boy..

i mean like i have some "Skin sensitivities" on my legs which make it look a bit ugly

and like yeah..

that's what i rlli hate bout maself..

and im rlli dumb, while he's so smart..

But i'm at the top of class in Literacy and english lolz




What should i do??! :(

I could just cry my heart out..

I feel so frustrated yet trapped..

I like him but i dunno if he feels the same..

he probs dusn't cuz like im not good at his strong interest: Maths (i think that;s his interest..-_-)

Since he's like rlli good



I feel so trapped and i've usually never felt like this bfore..

sure i had crushes before but it was just like probs lust..

but this is probs the first time i felt like this.. :/



I feel s angry and upset at myself for lacking so much,..

i just don't have the confidence

and it feels as i care too much about wat others think bout me.. :(


What should i do?

Please help me..

Mostly preferred if u privately inboxed me

but commenting is fine too..







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before you take a risk, have a confident to yourself.
be proud of yourself, love yourself before you wish anyone to love you.
ourania #2
Well, I agree with your friends XD and I've experienced the same thing with you ><
So I know how you feel right now.
Like what your friends said, be brave and take the risk! XD
Maybe just talk to him. Such as pretend to ask him about mathematics, maybe? LOL. (I know this is old tactic, but hey! Who knows if this will work!)
Because I've tried it, and quite successfully! Although in the end, me and him, can't be together :(
So, try it first! Either the result will be successful or not, the most important thing you will not be burdened with your feelings right now. ^O^

That's my opinion! XD