Bias frequenting my dreams~

And yet another Heenim-related dream: 


I was eating vegetables in my room and Heechul was sitting across, watching my every move. I felt conscious even  in my dreams~ LOL and that's how it ended; heenim watching over me as I eat my veggies XDD


The other recent one was just last nights: I was typing a FANFIC at some ramen/ramyun shop and on the other table was my MOM talking with Heenim. They were sort of acquaintances and my mom wanted me to introduce myself to him! As my mom gestured for me to speak, Heenim lifted his eyes to look at me!!! I felt my face grow hot>.< and all I did was wave and then flush >.< Heenime chuckled in response. 



this has been happening for two consecutive days! I wonder if tonight.... hahahaha!!! 


Heenim, stop frequenting in my dreams!!! >.< and to include my mother as well... hahahahahaha~


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