[Stolen] I Ruined 81% of My Life (Seriously, I was surprised it wasn't 100% XD)




[x] Kissed someone before dating. [Don't ask =.=]

[x] Gotten a phone taken away at school [Reading manga in class with my phone...aaah those were the good times]

[x] Gotten caught chewing gum 

[] Gotten caught cheating on a test

[x]Arrived late to class more than 5 times [Hey in my defense our Ethics teacher used to arrive ridiculously early, like 5 minutes early okay?? How am I supposed to beat that?]

[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times [I'm a lazy student and I has no regrets :P]

[x] Turned at least 2 projects in late 

[x] Missed school just because you felt like it

[] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class

[] Got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school

[x] Text people during class

[x] Passed notes

[x] Threw stuff across the room

[x] Laughed at the teacher

[x] Took pictures during school hours

[x] Called someone during school hours

[x] Listened to iPod,CD,etc during school hours


[x] Went outside the classroom without permission

[x] Broke the dress code [Seriously, in my old school, you couldn't wear things like necklaces and bracelets in my old school (strict Catholic school) and the skirt had to be below the knee...I took the rules for granted and got scolded on my first day... My skirt was like four inches shorter than it should be and I had like a dozen bracelets on my wrists =.=]

[] Failed a class

[x] Ate food during class [hey everybody does this right?]

[x] Gotten a call from school [in my defense, my teacher called the school because I was asked to participate in this International Mathletes thingy]

[] Been called the worst student

[x] Got punished on a school trip because you behaved badly

[x] Didn't take your stuff to school [One time I didn't sleep A WINK all night (was watching Dream High) and I was so out of it the next morning that it was already first period when I realized my bag was completely empty...I didn't have a wallet nor phone with me... =.=]

[x] Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking [he was being such a jerk, embarassing my best friend in front of the whole class =.=...I would've socked him in the face if my best friend hadn't stopped me too]

[x] Faked your parents signature [No friggin way was I going to miss our last high school school trip in my 4th year just because my parents didn't want me going to Cebu]

[x] Slept in class [I'm the type who's awake all night and sleepy all morning LOLz]


[x] Cursed at your teacher behind their back

[x] Copied homework [I used to in Filipino (our national language)...pathetic right? *facepalms*]

[x] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean [I slept through this essay contest I was supposed to join and so our school lost by default...hey, I couldn't help it okay? I was up all night watching SuJu videos. (you see that I clearly have my priorities straight) XD]

[x] Thrown food in the lunch room. [it wasn't me who started it though, I just ended up joining the ruckus...again, I has no regrets :P]


Then multiply it by 3.



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You're a Filipino. Damn it I already love you!
Cshinmi #2
63% I guess we both in Filipino. When me and my friend cheated, the principal caught us but she just warned us. Hehe :)))
huraah! i have the same as yours, but please add up Got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school.. that's how worse i am.. and i even thought my school wont give me a good moral report. lol. and i even cursed a teacher in front of him. saying you ! Eff you! and gave them a finger. lol. it's all because of haircut. ahahah
Asian_Wannabe #4
33%...., I was a good kid. So sue me..., lol
Cookie7 #6
I got 87% lol I always do bad stuff in school lol