Possibly new fic!! :)

“NO STOP I DON’T BELONG HERE!” Everyone peaked their heads out from their room and starred at the man who was being dragged down the hall to the last room on the left. “Stay, your allowed to move about , but only on THIS floor. Curfew is 10:00PM, follow the rules and you’ll be just fine. I sat there on my new bed, in my new room, my new llife. I had my head buried in my hands. I was sitting there, thinking of how I got here.


So thats the begining, does it sound interesting?

LeeJoon gets thrown into an asylum and all the other members are there...Rain is the therapist, and they all treat each other like a family. Well only because thats how Mir see's them, just one big disfunctional family.  Long story short, Mir is there to help LeeJoon threw the whole process, when he himself is trying to get thre it. Well should i think about it? Please give Feed back *^^*


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Hahah, thank you very much! I've been writing this on an ipod, but thank you for pointing it out to me :)