Quick Update

Hi subscribers! ^^ First of all, I want to say thank you so much for subscribing~ you guys are all wonderful XD

I thought I'd let you know about some of the stuff happening right now related to my fanfic :D

I'm sorry I'm so incredibly slow, but there will most likely be a lot of changes in what I had planned out as the original story. Originally I planned on including some here and there but I've pretty much decided that I don't want to have any in this story. I'm really sorry if that was the reason you subscribed!

Also, I've been thinking about the role I want the 2NE1 members to have in this story. My plan is to have one (or possibly more?) of the members of 2NE1 act as like a kind of older sister to YeoJin, but I can't decide on which one.....

If you have any opinion on this, please tell me! I hope that these decisions only make my story better ^^

I will hopefully have the new chapter out soon! These next couple of weeks will be difficult for me to get anything done, because of Easter and my failing grade in most of my classes *cough cough* WHAP and Geometry! lol, but seriously I'll try to write it as soon as I have time!

~ A


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