First Fic ~

Hii there!

Waaaah ;-; I just wrote the second chapter in my first fic =o= .. 

I still didn't get a single comment on it .. Maybe it's for the best. I rather people stay silent than to have them bash it XD 

It's still my very first fic . Plus, there's not many IU fanboys . 

Meh ,whatever ^-^

Right now i'm looking for fics to follow. I can't decide which fics to subscribe to. 

Knowing me, i'll think all of them are fantastic(BABY!) and i'll subscribe to all of them .. >_> bahahh. 

anyways. C: IF anyone on here is actually reading this randomly, you should comment on my fic and tell me how to improve! :'D thanks so much ,

- Qyulie/Nick


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