Coming soon...

I know I've been a real to my subscribers.

I'm so sorry! 

Ive been suffering with writers block and to be fair I havent really been motivated to do anythign about it, and for that Im sorry! Im in the middle of writing an update now and its about 9:15 now and Im getting pretty tired.

Im 15 and I get tired at 9:15 <-- this is why I'm a dweeb =____=

And for my writing to be somewhat decent I need to be in my optimum condition.

Anyway, its the hols now so hopefully I will be able to move this baby along ^^ 

Please bear with me. The further I get with the story the more motivated I become - the beginnings are hard right? You know how I feel.


I promise to uodate within the next 2/3 days - if I dont please bombard me with compaints and death threats :))


<3 :3


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dweeeeeeeeeeeeeb jk i love you