Twitter Idols!

ah! My day has been made! So I was trying to find some idols on twitter (I heard there were some but wasn't sure) and I looked it up and finally found DooJoon!!!! Ah!!! A B2ST member! Anyway, thats the first part of the excitement. In searching a tad bit more, I also found some of the miss A members, G NA, and the best thing appeared. JoKwon from 2AM :'D!!!!!!!!!!!! He is my fave face fave!!!! So if you're interested and already on twitter, here are the usernames! DooJoon: BeeeestDJ Min: missA_min JoKwon: 2AMkwon


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Ethrel #1
I know what you mean I wish Dalmatian would tweet more ><
@Ethrel<br />
Haha!! I'm very slow when it comes to being up to date, especially when it comes to knowing that my favorite people are on twitter and I had no idea until recently xD Don't worry, I'm a stalker too. -sigh- I wish JoKwon would tweet me sometime ><
Ethrel #3
-feels like a stalker since she's following most of them already- That and I got a twitter just to follow some of them -sigh- I should probably just embrace my stalkerness xD