Application for ★☆ A N G E L S and D E M O N S☆★


Username: Gingi_306
Profile Link:
Name: Lilly
Age: 14

[Character Basic Info]

Name: Eleanor Lee
Nicknames: Ella, Lea, Elly
Prefered name: Lea
What side are you on? : Hell
Type of Being:  Shapeshifter
Age: 18
Date of Birth: June 6
Birth Place: Seoul, S. Korea
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Ethnicity: Quarter American - Quarter British - Half Korean
Height: 170cm
Weight: 45 kg


Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long, Striaght
Picture of Ulzzang or female idol of choice : [Optional]


Style Overall:
-Before death: Not girly yet not really tomboy-ish
-After death: y

Preferred clothing:
-Before death: She wore plain T-shirts, jeans, sneakers.
-After death: Very tight and revealing clothes, she likes black leather. She mainly wears clothes with dark colors.

[All About You]


Father: Half Korean-Half British
Mother: Half Korean-Half American
Older Brother: Eric || Quarter American - Quarter British - Half Korean

Lea was born and raised in Seoul, S. Korea. While growing up, Lea was always picked one and made fun of for being different. The other girls likes barbie dolls, she liked toy cars; they preferred pink and purple, Lea prefered black and dark colors. Lea was always an outcast, therefore she had only a few friends; and most of them had moved as they grew older. With her remaining few friends she used to spend time after school at one of her friends car shops fixing cars. But one school year, she was bullied so badly that she commited suicide. She then came to hell, where she became one of Satan’s most loyal and most deadliest minions.

Languages: Korean, English (slight british accent)

Personality: Lea is a bit of a . She doesn’t care about other people and their feelings. She sees everyone as a threat, she finds everyone annoying, and she just hates everyone; well almost everyone. The only people she likes are her fellow grease monkeys and her older brother, Eric. She usually keeps to herself and is very cold to people who try to approach her. She is kind to those who like cars, trucks, and pretty much anything mechanical; but they also have to be somewhat kind to her.

  • Scary movies
  • Sleeping
  • Rock/Heavy Metal Music (Metallica, MegaDeth, Led Zeppelin)
  • Cars
  • Action movies
  • Dogs (mainly golden retrievers)
  • Car Racing
  • Drums

  • ups
  • Showoffs
  • Aegyo
  • Nature
  • Cute things
  • Pink
  • Her name (Eleanor)

  • Fixing vehicles/mechanical devices
  • Watching car racing
  • Sleeping

  • Fixing cars
  • Drums
  • Getting the truth out of people

Main Love Interest:

His Personality: He’s a heartbreaker and he plays with girls hearts for fun. He has a very arrogant personality.
How you act around each other: He tries to flirt with her every time they meet; and she is always trying to ignore him, but constantly ends up bickering with him.

Anything else I should know? Do they have tattoos or piercings? Markings? Phobias? Scars?  Birthmarks? An event from their tragic past? Leave it ALL.

Eleanor was very close to her older brother.


Password: 1Dvx8XOc8g2v7m9TsZUATyuqbiyPw9Hi_wWnqLA2






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I always enjoy your applications so much. Thaaank you~