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Name: Hwa Young

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Current Location: Tokyo, Japan

Blood Type: AB

Birthdate: January 26


Gender: Female

Height: 170cm

Weight: 42kg


  1. Name: Jeong Seo Yeong
  2. 3 Links: 

School Applying to: School for the musically talented

Personality: (5-10 sentences)

She is a very hot-tempered and stubborn person who hates people who believe they are better than others. She has a random and childish personality, and many people think she has ADD because she changes topics very quickly and randomly. She loves to pull pranks on people and create evil plans to get revenge. She has a strange obsession with penguins and random pictures of llamas. She is often heard heard singing the llama song without realizing it at all. She mood changes quickly causing alot of people to think she's crazy, but she's not her mother had her tested. She loves to shop wether it be online or in a mall, shopping is her life. She has a perfectionism problem where she won't stop until it's done right(or perfectly) and she usually doesn't care about the harm it could cause her. She has Anatidaephobia, the fear that somewhere, somehow a duck is watching you. It often catches people off guard when they first meet her and she randomly attacks something because she believes there could be a duck there, but they get used to it after awhile and just begin to classify it as normal.

Background:(5-10 sentences)

She was born in Seoul, but moved to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with her mother, shortly after her father's passing.When she was four she fell into a pond while feeding some ducks and doctor's believe that's when her phobia began. At the age of 7 her mother enrolled her in vocal classes to deal with the stress of the phobia and she instantly fell in love with it. She soon began to take rap and dance classes at the local rec. centre, and found her way into the local talent shows where she won first place. Her mother got a job promotion to Tokyo, Japan so they now reside there.

Family: (Name|Age|Job|Personality)

Moon Hyeweon/40/Buisness Lady/

A very warm and kind hearted women, who loves and cares for her daughter dearly. Tells her daughter random quotes that make no sense to her daughter at all and calls it her insight. She loves to make jokes and pretend that she isn't as old as she really is.

Habits:(List at least 5)

  1. Puffs out cheeks in frustration
  2. Chews on the ends of pencils
  3. Attacks random things claiming "I swear there was a duck there..."
  4. Sleeps hugging a giant stuffect penguin named Kuri
  5. Changes topics randomly
  6. Spaces out alot

Fears:(List at least 5)

  1. Anatidaephobia
  2. Snakes
  3. Spiders
  4. Imperfection
  5. swimming
  6. cellphone company mascots

Likes: (List at least 5)

  1. Penguins
  2. Pictures of llamas
  3. Chocolate cake
  4. Unicorns
  5. Perfection
  6. Music

Dislikes:(List at least 5)

  1. People who think they're better than everyone else
  2. Orange(color)
  3. Ducks
  4. Imperfection
  5. That one peice of hair that never looks good
  6. Anchovies

Languages: (Conversational, Fluent)

  1. Korean(Fluent)
  2. English(Fluent)
  3. Japanese(Conversational)

Extra Classes: (Mandarin, Cheerleading, any AP classes, Music Class, Italian, Dance, Tutoring, Film, Arts, Swimming, Soccer)

Dance, Art, Music, Phys'ed

Friends: (OC's or Celebrites, But you can't meet the celebs yet D:)

Park Youngmi/18/a shy and happy girl who always has her back/Best Friend

Love Intrest: (Name|Age|Personality|Have You met| Can be celeb or OC, If oc ,create a mini profile)

G-dragon(BIGBANG)/20/Cocky and arrogant believes he's the best/Never met

Rival to love intrest:(Name|Age)



What is your strongest point : (This is if your in the school of arts) (1 to 10 | Rapping| Singing | Dancing|)




Instrumentals:(List instruments you know or want to know)

Guitar,  Uklele, Trumpet


Strongest Subject: (Pick 4 from the last chapter)

History, Science, Geography, Reading

Boarding School:

Why are you in the boarding school?:(5-7 sentences)

Her mom enrolled her in the school because she knew how great her daughter's musical talents were and decided that if her job forced her to move again she shouldn't have to drag her along with her and a boarding school would be the best option for her daughter in this situation. Hwa Young also brought up the idea during their move to Japan and highly promoted it because this is her dream school and she wants to hone her talents and began a professional singer one day.

Extras: (I(

(I don't know what to put here so I'm just going to write a note)

I didn't really understand if I was supposed to fill in the Boarding school and gifted school part, but I did just to clarify I'm trying for the musical school in case I confused you... I hope you like it ^^


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