Dream High Application: Han Soo Jung


Lyrics or quote that relates to your character. 1-4 lines

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Hey there, glad you could join us. So first thing's first, what do we call you?
My name is Han Soo Jung, but i prefer to be called by my nickname, Haru, it means spring in japanese.
Okay, got it. And how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
I am 17 years old, I was born on 2nd January 1995. 
Mhm and, now don't take this the wrong way, but are you a guy or a girl?
I'm a girl, obviously. But people said i have a boy inside of me.
And do you have a significant other (boyfriend/girlfriend) *not everyone has a boy/girlfriend, can be a crush as well*...?
 Yes i do, my boyfriend is the famous ulzzang Park hyungseok, though i'm not sure what are right now. And honestly i have crush on Zelo of B.A.P.
Have we met before? You look so familiar!
Yeah i was told to look alot like Ulzzang Kim Jee In.


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Excellent. Now, for the benefit of our ceo and judges, how would you describe your appearance?
I have a baby face, even though i'm 17, people thought i was younger. I have chubby cheeks, and i thinks thats my charm. I look very feminine, but people said when i cut my hair, i look like bad tomboy*laughs*.
And if a stranger had to spot you in a crowd what should they look out for?
I guess my long legs? since i usually wears skirts and shorts. And maybe my hair? cause i have un usual hair color. I use to dye it soft pink and blonde.
What's the first thing this stranger would notice about you?
I guess its my look? i just mention that i have an unusual hair color. Though my friends said it was my smile. 
Let's just say this stranger decides to observe you for a bit - any habits or quirks they might notice?
Um...let me think, i have a habit of fixing my hair whenever i caught any tangles. And i was said that i pout alot when i think and waiting for something. 
So this creepy stranger, what would their first impression of your character be?
A talkative girl with a weird hair? lol i'm not too sure, but i hope they will look at me as a nice girl who likes to talk and smile.

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So, sport, you got any hobbies?
Hm... i'm not really good at sports but i enjoy watching people ice skating or hockey! But my hobbies are photography, cooking...even though i'm not good at it, but my siblings thinks i'm good at it. And i love sketching clothes!
Interesting! And what about the things you like the most?
I'm not sure if i can dance, but i do rap and i can sing abit...i think. I really love going to noraebang with my sisters! I also eat alot, i love sweets!
And there's gotta be things you don't like too, right?
Me? well i don't like people who talks back at me and judge easily by their appearances. I don't like being alone.
Great! So are you keeping any secrets? Don't worry, I swear I won't tell.
Well... i'm actually an open person. But i think i do? well....like when i acted like i don't really care about cute boys or like that but, i fall in love very easily!*giggles*
My lips are sealed. Now, what would you say is your best quality?
My best quality? well...hm..my face? *laughs* ok maybe my cheeks and my friendly personality.
And your worst? C'mon, no one's perfect, kiddo.
I'm bad at making jokes! but i'm good at making a spontaneous one. And i really don't know how to shut up.

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Now how about the other people in your life, let's talk family.
Well. theres my dad, his name is Han Pyo Hyun, he's a pastry chef...he owns two shops in Seoul and in Lotte Mall. Its a cake shop called 'Bittersweet Cafe'. My dad is a little bit weird, he likes to talk about food, like alot. He sometimes compares humans with food and he said i'm like icing, because i'm sweet yet to sweet to handle*laughs*.And my mom, Lee Na Mi, She is a cutesy pie...people mistaken her for my sister. Well she is also a pastry chef, who loves to sing. On to my darling siblings! my oppa, Han KyungMin, we call him Kyungie~ since he's a protective cute brother! he works at my dad's cafe as Cake designer. And my two elder sisters who are twins, Han Min Jung and Min Joo. Min Joo are the eldest of the siblings, she is a fashion stylist while Min Jung unni is a make up artist who is in University. Lastly, halmoenim! Hwang Ye Sook, she is the most protective and yet loveable halmoenim!<3
Any pets?
Well.. i have an akita puppy, Momo and Golden retriever puppy, Nana. Its mean Nana(7 in japanese) and Momo(peach...i think?)i'm not to sure since my sis name them.
You're doing great, just a few more questions. So where are you from?
I grew up in Osaka Japan, when my parents work in a hotel. I like it there, but not much as like it here in Seoul! Japan is abit too crowded and going to school is so hard, we have to walk there!
I see, cool. So how come you ended up at Woo-Len Performing Arts Academy [W.L.P.A.A]?
Well. My mom's friend was a staff in the Academy and when she saw me, she asks me to try to apply. Which i got in! Though i'm not sure why i go in...At first i thought it was impossible and i was already applied to Hanlim arts, but when they called me and i immediately transfer there.
Almost done. So what makes you special then the other people trying out for this spot in the school?
I guess it was my rapping and my looks? people said i look alot like an idol than a model or baker. I used to enter school band in japan. But i never thought i was good enough. Though i do have alot passion in rapping, music and composing. When i was applying for it i sent my demo songs with my rapping. I guess they liked it.


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i know she seems abit perfect, but she clueless about love so yeah.
I'm fine with ...but Zelo is underage XD


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Cookie_b #1
you didn't complete the App>.< the last part, and can you also make a boy's app a s well, it doubles your chances of getting picked ^^