Perfects vs Troublemakers Application


AFF Name: XxChuu

AFF Link: here goes nothing


Character Info

Name: Lee MinKi

Nickname: Min, Kiki(by family and close friends)

Date of birth: October 3rd

Age: 16

ual Orientation: Bi

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: Busan

Ethinicity: Korean, Chinese

Langauges: Korean, English, Chinese

Personality: When you first meet MinKi, or if you don’t know him, he’s pretty quiet and mysterious. He won’t talk at all, unless spoken to, and will use the least amount of words possible. He’ll be pretty aloof and emotionless, especially if he’s not with his friends. He'll usually glare at the person who tries to speak to him if they're not a friend and keep to himself. But never take his quietness as a weakness, no one ever plans a murder out loud.

When with friends, MinKi is a bit more talkative and smiles a bit more. He has a bit of a humor, but doesn't usually crack jokes as much as the other members. Although he may partake in the bullying and teasing the Lucifer members do, he usually just watches from afar, unless he's in a good mood. He is very caring towards his friends and fellow Lucifer members. He may not show it all the time, but he does care. He may still be a bit aloof and unemotional but that’s only sometimes. He is also a bit stubborn at times.  MinKi is also very intelligent, he may cut class but he still gets good grades on tests and such. He has a great amount of common sense and is also very street smart.

MinKi is very laidback. He likes to relax and take walks. One of his favorite pastimes is listening to music. He doesn’t like being involved in hectic things and would prefer a more laid-back environment. He usually likes to take time away from the group to think a bit. 

When MinKi is in a REALLY good mood, he’s really outgoing with friends and he’ll party and have fun. He may even harass a couple people. What gets him in a really good mood is receiving homemade treats like cupcakes, Macaroons, and such. But sometimes he declines them. when he's in a good mood, he usually won't stop smiling. He may even do a bit more skinship that usual. 

Although he is very unemotional at times, he is very very caring towards his friends and some other people. He is also very protective of these same people so he will track down the person who hurt them and hurt that person back. 

He tends to be blunt at times which is a bit of a bad thing. He'll usually keep his opinions to himself, unless you ask him. He won't hesitate or lie; he'll tell you flat out. 

Although MinKi is usually as cool as a cucumber, he can get angry, if you push the right buttons. When he's angry all hell breaks loose. He has a really sharp tongue and knows martial arts, so you'll either be beaten up or atttacked with words...probably beaten up though. Ater that, he'll usually warn you not to piss him off again and walk off. If he's steamed, he'll usually take a walk to cool off, or talk to someone.


·      Cutting class

·      His iPod

·      Music

·      Sweets

·      Taking walks

·      Spicy food

·      Playing on his phone

·      Relaxing

·      Hanging out with friends

·      Pranks

Dislikes: (5+)

·      Being forced to do something

·      Drinking

·      Bitter Foods

·      Creeps

·      Stalkers

·      Schoolwork


·      Hanging out with friends

·      Skipping class

·      Listening to music

·      Taking walks

·      Taking photos of others and himself


·      lips

·      Tapping fingers against surface when bored or impatient

·      Hugging and kissing close friends

·      Showing up to class late


·      His ringtone is “The End” by Grand Slam

·      If you don’t reply to his texts or call him bacl after he calls, he’ll delete you number

·      Sometimes talks in his sleep

·       Has a tattoo of a star on his right wrist that his parents don’t know about(usually covers it with his bracelets and concealer when with parents).

·      Took JuJitsu and Tae Kwon Do for a couple of years



Appearance Info

Name of Ulzzang: Lee Chi Hoon


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School Info

Group: -Student- -Council- |Lucifer

Strength: Intelligent, Athletic

Weakness: Quiet Personality


Background Info

Personal background: Minki grew up with many luxuries and live the good life. He is an only child and left alone a lot at his house while his parents were on business trips. As a result, his relationship with his parents is a bit strained. As they missed many key parts of his childhood, MinKi went from a bright, bubbly boy to the quite, emotionless child. He began becoming a troublemaker in class and skipping. He was expelled from that school and sent to Imperial Academy.


Mother | Jun KiRae | 54 | Fsahion Designer

Father | Lee YoungChol | 56 | CEO of Major Corporation


Relationship Info

Love interest: Lucifer or Student Council.

Idea type: MinKi doesn’t really have an ideal type. He tends to fall for a person’s individual charms. But he tends to be drawn to people with great smiles.

How you want the relationship like: MinKi would be the type of person who kind of seems like he doesn’t care about the person, when he really does. And might push him away when the person tries to hard to get close to him, but gets closer to them when they don’t…(OOC: Anything is fine really ^^ I don’t mind.)

Best friend: Jung Daehyun(BAP) and a Lucifer Member

Friend: Other Lucifer members

Crush: Jung Daehyun


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