Rain is the MOST INFLUENTIAL person in the WORLD??

Okay, I saw this the other day on the internet but seriously. Time's Magazine has him down as the NUMBER ONE most influential person in the world =__= check this out in case you don't believe me:


is that even possible because I love rain and all but how can he POSSIBLY be the number one most influencial person in the world??!! It's mind boggling, and I feel like this is somehow biased. Now don't misunderstand me, because I absolutely love Bi Rain and am a huge fan of MBLAQ as well so I AM NOT BY ANY MEANS HATING ON HIM. He's cute and all but I just don't feel that he deserved THAT tittle. Maybe he should be in the list but definitely not NUMBER ONE right?He has definately done his share of good in the world but how can he be more influencial than Humanitarians or politicians? x_x I'm sorry I just found out and here's the emotions I went through:


2 minutes later...

"Wait He's Number one??..."

2 more minute later 


Another Minute passed~~~~

"There's something wrong here -___- this is so biased or something."

And now I'm typing this ^^~ 

What do you guys think? does this make sense to you? What reason does time magazine have for doing this?


Speaking of rain here is a picture of the awesome guy~~ :


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jeniscool100 #1
I'm with you. Rain definitely should be on the list - and I think it would be even better if he was at a top position - but number one? I think that might be taking things just a step too far. <br />
BUT HE'S STILL A PIECE OF AWESOMENESS! Nobody can deny that! :D <br />
And I'm glad he's on the list! :] <br />
But still...number one? I'm kinda curious as to how Time Magazine went about giving him that title. And I don't mean that in a bad way or anything! I mean it really would be interesting to find out how magazines go about making people number one for all of these different categories, you know? :3