♀♂The Idols Adopt♀♂ Application


[Hello, Baby!]
Name: Jessica Roberts
Korean Name: JiEun
Nickname: Jessi, Ji, JiJi
Name to be called by: Jessi
Gender: Female
Age: 9
Ethnicity: Canadian-Korean

[Lost Child]
Tragic Past: Jessi was born and raised in Canada, but while growing up, she lived a Korean lifestyle. But during one summer, when her and her parents were on a vacation in Korea, she lost her parents at a fair. Since she had learned both English and Korean while growing up, she was able to ask around for her parents, but when her parents weren’t found, she was taken to an orphanage.
Age when you came to the orphanage: 5
How were you treated at the orphanage?: When she first arrived to the orphanage, she was very scared because she didn’t know where she was and she didn’t know anyone. Most of the kids would pick on her because she is of mixed race. But fortunately for her there were a few nice kids in the orphanage who she became friends with.

[Oh, Mom]
Who is your ‘adopted’ Umma?: Kevin
How does your Umma act around you?: He is really kind and he enjoys taking care of you
Who is your adopted Appa?: Eli
How does your Appa act around you?: He feels very awkward around you at first, but he tries his best to get along with you. He also enjoys doing his pigeon impressions around you.
How you react to your parents: At first she was scared of her parents but she slowly began to feel more comfortable around them, so she was able to open up to them more. She likes Kevin's kind personality and she likes his weird laugh. And with Eli, she was very scared of him at first and she was very scared to open up to him because sometimes he would go all out and be a bit crazy.
Who are your parents friends with?: Seungha (Rainbow), SS501, Brian Joo, all 7 other members of U-Kiss
Do you know (of) your biological parents?: Yes, she does.

[Make a love, baby]
Parent’s Current Relationship: They like each other, but they don’t know it. They usually act lovey-dovey sometimes just as a way to playfully annoy Jessi. Even though they might not know that they like each other, Jessi was able to find out.
How you want your parents to wind up: Together
Do you want your parents to have a scene?: If you want.
Are you a ing baby, or do you encourage their relationship?: Jessi really doesn’t like seeing her parents acting all lovey-dovey; she finds it gross.

Adoptee Friends: Only friends with a few
How are you around strangers?: Jessi is scared of strangers. She usually keeps quite and she keeps to herself.
What is your favorite color and animal?: Color-Pink || Animal-Bunnies
What does your baby self like to do in your spare time?: Coloring, painting, play with stuffed animals.
Would your baby have a crush on one of the other children?: No
Any phobias: Clowns, bullies, needles, bugs

Anything else I missed, feel free to leave it. And also, your parents don't HAVE to be lovers. They can be best friends.

  • She loves to eat Bulgogi
  • She loves all animals, even the scary vicious ones
  • She thinks boys her age are gross
  • HATES insects
  • She has a very good memory
  • Has abandonment issues


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Thank you so much for your application!