The Seoul School for the Gifted


Profile Link:

Username: xflaminfox


Name: Lee Sang Ki

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Busan

Current Location: Busan, South Korea

Blood Type: B

Birthdate: June 21, 1995

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 172cm

Weight: 55kg


  1. Name: Lee Chi Hoon
  2. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]


School Applying to: School Of the gifted


Sang Ki is a strange person indeed. He can stay still and stare at people and figure out their flaws in minutes. He is weird in this way but it does pay off. He learns the person's flaws and troubles and can use them against them. He will blackmail people if he feels the need to. Sometimes people (the ones getting blackmailed) would ask him why he is like this. He would reply "What fun would that be?" in his innocent voice and walk away. He enjoys seeing people's depress faces especially when they have a lot of power and popularity.  

He is very good with first appearance. When you first meet him, you will find that he acts shy and sweet with a touch of innocent in his voice. That always bring the people to like him. The will use you as much as he can for his own needs but it is very indirect so people don't notice as much. He may be sweet to you, but he is just lowering your defences. He does this a lot and is hard to tell if he is just faking his kindness or is actually real. He doesn't trust people as easily as it seems but he awknowledges only the people that he truely likes. Sometimes, he would pretend to trust them but he actually doesn't. He examines each person's aspect and personality to learn the person's true intentions (if they have any) or personality. He has a very weak heart and is tempted by greed. He may have allies but, he isn't hesitant to throw them away if the situation is bad. Unless they are his super duper close friends. He would have to make a hard decision. He usually only looks after himself but makes it seem like he cares about everybody's well being. That cute innocent appearance of his makes it hard for people to believe that he is twisted is such ways. He acts very well in high-pressure moments. Usually he would analyze the sticky situation he is in. Most of the time, he would play along untill he can strike and take control of the situation. He is naturally an intelligant person but is extreamly lazy and doesn't like doing homework. The reason why his grades are high is because of his exam grades. Usually he would recieve perfect marks. He has a lot of potential but he doesn't seem to care about school and instead it bores him to death. He is greedy but will never admit is intelligence. He always tries to seize an opportunity to make money. Most of the time, he'll joke around and tell people to pay him when he does a simple gesture. For example, when someone asks him for information, he'll charge them or when he gets a tissue for them, he'll charge them.

If you do become close with him, you will notice that he would start acting different in many ways. At first appearance he would seem shy and innocent but after, he would start to curse which he wouldn't if he was still trying to make good impressions. It is also like a 180 degrees change. Unlike sitting in a straight posture, he would start slouching down and burp all over the place. He would act more "obnoxious" and more blunt. He doesn't like stiff people and will usually comment "Geez, lighten up."He loves to laugh even if it is mean such as, someone hitting the wall and crying. He may try to hold his laughter because he feels bad but it is noticable. Lazy is one of the world that you can describe him as well. He loves to tell lame jokes such as, " Why did Simba's father die? Because he could MUFUSA!" (Lion king reference) and "What do ghost wear in the rain? BOOOOOOOOOOTS!" With his friends, he likes to make playful jestures and pranks. He loves seeing their surprised faces as he laughs to his heart's contents. He will also jump on their backs whining for a piggyback ride. He especially loves to tease his hot-headed friends to see their reactions.
It may not seem like it but, he isn't as bossy as you think. He is more a of a "go with the flow" type of person. He isn't really a stubborn person either. He has a crazy sweet tooth and loves to eat everything that is horrible for your teeth. He only learned to bake sweets and candy just for him to inhale it all afterwards. He has a super high metabolism which burns up all the candy and doesn't affact his weight at all. He doesn't get scared when people sneak behind him and try to scare him but has a weird phobia and is extreamly scared of watermelons. It may be since he had a dream about watermelons squishing him to death when he was younger. Usually people hold their emotions inside right? That doesn't apply to Sang Ki. He doesn't want to be emotional and tear up but he can't help it. He tries to stop crying but tears keep flowing out. Soon, people need to wipe the floors because there are puddles. He hates that part about him.
If you're his acquaintance, be careful. You don't know when he will prank you. Of couse the pranks as harmless since they have done nothing wrong.
He always has these sneaky little grins when he thinks of something like pranks, erted stuff, secrets, ect. His mind is filled with every little bits of the world. As y as he is, he feels very uncomfortable when people touch him. He loves to sleep and hates it when people wake him up. He even sets his alarm clock a half hour early so he can sleep it. Sometimes, he will sleep in even if he is running late and has no time. He acts really "drunk" and happy-go-lucky when he is tired which is why he is grumpy when people wake him up. Although, as a person, he doesn't get angry very easily but isn't patient which makes it easy to annoy him. The one thing that makes him "human" is when he is nervous. When he is nervous, he becomes very shy and whispers but in a very high pitch voice. This is the only time where he actually acts cute without him actually implying it.

When he was young, his mother divorced his father. He and his older brother lived with their mom for their whole life. His mother owned a local bakery which was popular with the local residents there. He would help his mother run the shop and soon learned how to bake these delicious treats. His sweet adiction started back when he was a young child. Everybody around saw that he was potentially smart but the only thing holding back was his extreme laziness. All he wanted to do was sleep and not attend school. His mother had to bribe him with candy which became a habit. Although it stopped when he got older since candy is easy to access. His family didn't really have any finacial problems since they didn't spend that much. Not once did his brother and himself buy a game consel. Instead, they would go around the neighbour hood pranking the kids. They would have a blast doing so. His brother was tall and had a big build. He was also wise which Sang Ki looked up too. The only thing was that his brother wasn't very intelligant and would only bring home decent grades. Sang Ki thought that since his brother didn't get good grades, he didn't have to either.His mother would pressure him into getting good grades and the best got to him. Since he lived with his mother his whole life, he saw his mother's hardship as a single mother raising two children.

For the one time period in middle school, he basically murdered his test and homework and became the smartest kid in his school. After that, he became lazy once more and stopped doing homework. He realized that homework didn't count for a big part of marks. Due to his natural intelligence, he would still score perfect on an exam. His mother didn't support his laziness but accepted that he was intelligent enough to not even try and yet score very high on exams.
He is extreamely afraid of his father due to his father's powerful nature. Whenever he visits his children, he always tries to control his life and how he should act. When he doesn't listen, he would get a beating from him. His older brother would somehow distract his father and Sang Ki would sneak away. Since he knows Sang Ki is very intelligent, he wants to raise him into a powerful CEO. Sang Ki however, hates the idea of sitting in an office all day and would always hide from his father.


Jung Song Yi / Mother / Divorced / 44 / Owns a local bakery / She is the typical asian mom. She is a worrywort and worrys about her son getting into university. She tries to encourage them but usually they just hide in their room. She is a very patient woman and is pretty sarcastic.

Lee Jin Shim / Father / Divorced / 46 / Business man / Rude and sarcastic is what you could describe him. He is very disciplined and has no ounce of fun in him. He detests laziness and believes in hard work. He likes controlling people, which gives him a sense of power. He also is greedy which Sang Ki inherited from him.
Lee Huong Ki/ Older Brother / Korean / 23 / Military / He is almost the same as Lee Sang Ki instead more mature, patient and not lazy. He loves to play pranks with his younger brother but will get serious in a serious situation. He is very patient and usually moves around unlike his lazy brother. He works harder but isn't very bright. 


- Sleeps in when late
- Chatters teeth when scared
- Observes every person he meets
- High squeaky voice when embarrassed or shy
- Pinch himself when angry | To keep him from blowing up.

- Spiders
- Watermelons
- Dad
- Ghosts
- Scary movies
- Clowns

- Cats
- Money
- Lame Jokes
- Pranks
- Brocolli
- Candy/Sweets/Pastries
- Sleep
- Cloudy Days
- Funny/entertaining/interesting people

- Vegetables | Except broccoli
- Homework
- Stiff people | Especially other intelligent people who can’t take jokes who just work and work.
- Braggers
- Dogs
- Skinship
- Sunlight

Languages: Korean [ Fluent ], English [ Fluent ], Japanese [ Basic], French [ Basic ]

Extra Classes:
Japanese, AP Math, AP English/Language Arts, French

Lee Soo Jin | Quirky childhood friend
Jo Kwangmin [ Boyfriend ]
Jiyeon [ T-ara]

Love Interest: (Name|Age|Personality|Have You met|
Suzy [ Miss A ] | 17 |  She is a kind person who understands peoples feelings. She is a great listener and supporter. She is slightly short tempered but can be serious and understanding. She is a competitive person and always strives for the best. She hates naturally intelligent people due to her hardworking nature. She believes in hard work rather in natural intelligence. Most likely she is slightly jealous since she would have to work extremely hard for his high marks.

Rival to love interest:
Eunji [ A Pink ] | 17



What is your strongest point : (This is if your in the school of arts) (1 to 10 | Rapping| Singing | Dancing|)

Instrumentals:(List instruments you know or want to know)



Strongest Subject:
1. Math
2. Writing
3. Science
4. History


Boarding School:

Why are you in the boarding school?:(5-7 sentences)


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