i want a rice cooker...

okay now. i've decided that i wanted a rice cooker...it looks so freaking awesome O.O look at me ppl i'll save up and buy one mouhhahahahahah xD




yeah that's all i had to say xD


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Sujuteukieluv123 #1
My mom has a rice cooker lol. I think my grandma might have a extra one.. Lol if she does I will find a way to send it 2 u lol. lol I'm Asian we have lots of rice cookers. Lol rice cookers remind me of SHINee cause if hello baby.
What are you going to cook to go with the cooked rice then? Oh and Jasmine rice is the way to go, nothing is better than that. It's like wheat crack. *nods head*
Omo ur asian and dont have a rice cooker!!!!!