Recommended: Taxi Series by himawarixxsandz

SERIOUSLY. I DON'T CARE IF YOU READ BEAST OR NOT (ok I do but really you have to hear me out) YOU GUYS HAVE TO READ THIS. HAVE TO.


I'm actually not done yet with this fic. I'm only on Chapter 7 and I'm already in love. This fic is just... beautiful, in my opinion. It's not the most amazing fanfic ever or whatever, the way she writes it is not ~mighty~ or anything, but it's just. I don't know. I'm pretty new in the Beast fandom, and this is by far my favorite. The plot is not that new/original, some of the relationships are a bit cliche, but the way she writes it--God, the simplicity of everything, of how she explains things, it's just. It's engaging, in a very beautiful way. The way she formats it is pretty complicated, but it's easy to follow. For me, anyway. I have a pretty high standard in a fic, but this fic manages to make me actually yell and cry and go 'aww' at my laptop at 2 in the morning. I was thinking of probably making a review, but then I realize I know nothing about making a review. Maybe one day, I don't know.


Warning: Despite how much I love this, the author seems to have difficulties differentiating 'there', 'their', and 'they're'. It almost puts me off from the story (I keep cringing and my fingers are itching to edit it--I mean I'm not the best English speaker but really) but then I forced myself to continue and I don't regret it, I don't think. I know it's like, a total turn off, but trust me when I say this: you won't regret reading this. This author has... a way that can capture the readers' attention with the way she writes. Like, it's not totally flawless, but it's worth it in the end.


I AM RAMBLING LMFAO. The thing is, go read it, especially if you read Beast and/or ship Ori3 (so that I will have someone to flail to/with).


Oh, and look. First blog post.


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