JJ's Fashion.

See the BAMF?

Well his name is Kim ing Jaejoong (Without the ing part.)

And his jacket is just as y as his face.

&& ya know what...

I love it! I really want to rub my face on his jacket RN!


Ya know....

Does sound a bit creepy.

BUT his jacket is very y, really want to feel it...

I want to rub my face against his jacket as he's wearing it >.<

Soooooo sessi!


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lmfao ikr. soo yyy! but remember you guys!! the AADBSK thing! where they were in saipan!? he showed his legs...a bit. IDK i don't really remember. maybe its cause his legs are like very skinny and not muscular like changmin's or Yunho's. hehehe and junsu too since he plays soccer and stuff
JJ hasn't ever shown his legs, that i know of<br />
But he looks so smexy here ;d<br />
Love where the smiley is at; maybe they put it there knowing it will bring us smileys :)
ok one thing i have notice abot jj fashion sence is that i never seen him in shorts XDDD<br />
or for him to show his legs LOL
lol I saw this pic awhile ago, and I LOVED THA JACKET!!!!<br />
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AS IF HE ISN'T Y ENOUGH ALREADY... I want that jacket!!!<br />
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But I want him more xD<br />
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nice smiley btw. noticed that almost right away. very nice placement :)
&& the smiley tag is very y too, especially since it's on his crotch!