Cirque du Freak Chochocho | Hong Jung Hae



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Name: Hong Jung Hae

Preferred Name: Jung Hae

Birthday/Age: 21

Place of birth & Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 167 cm
Weight: 51 kg


You’re Act.

Act: The Child Of Bloodlust

Power: Due to her mental jacket she wore, she rarely show her power to other people. But people often get goosebumps just by look at her eyes which as sharp as a deadly dagger. If the mental jacket is removed, she will randomly attack people that pass in front of her cage.

Relationship with the other acts: She rarely interact with other acts because of the wall that she build is to protect her from any possible danger that might attack her but deep down inside her heart, there is a desire to get to know them even further

How/Why You Were Selected: At the age of 11, Jung Hae ran from her home and lived by herself for 2 years until the Ringleader found her killed a dog and eat it. He was fascinated and took her home with him.

Alternative reality.


Name: Quasimodo

Fighting style: She often use her sharp nails as weapon. She will scratch and tear the person she attack

Weaonry: Dagger which is hidden under her shirt

Death Method: If she attack someone, she would turn into a beast. She doesn't think in a normal way, it's like she is enjoying other people to suffer because of her and she is addict to their blood and often torture them for her own pleasure.

Do you prefer to die: I'd say no but it's up to you, author-nim! if you want her to die at the end, she can be dead because a hunter killed her because she likes to attack people on a village at some time.

Appearance1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Name of Ulzzang/Model: Yeon Jihee
Back-Up Ulzzang/Model: Lee Youn Ju (Mikki)
Style: Battle outfit: 1  Normal outfit: 1 , 2 , 345
Unseen Appearance: She has a wing-shaped tatoo on her back

Personality: Jung Hae used to be a sweet, cheerful girl. She talk a lot and friendly to anyone. But now, she wasn't the same. She rarely talk and just observe everything she can see from her cage. She's wild, literally, and act like a hungry beast. But, deep down inside, she has a very fragile side that she always protect from anyone. She has a very traumatic life when she was young, and that what makes her to be like this. She is afraid of strangers, especially men. She is afraid of direct contact with other people too, she would think that they want to torture her. She only accept the ringleader in her life, since he is the one who is not afraid to her and take care of her better than anyone else beside her parents. Eventhough she seems dangerous, she has a delicate side as a human that no one know. Sometimes, she can be like a normal person but it's really rare to happen.

1. blood

2. see someone suffer

3. night

4. fear in audiences' eyes

5. kill people (and animals sometimes)


1. Sunglight

2. Interaction with people

3. Strangers

4. be touched

5. A happy person 



1. Hunt animals at night

2. Listening to classic music (this is her humanity side)

3. Paint abstract thing

4. Collecting eyeballs from her preys after she killed them

5. daydreaming 


1. sit on the corner of her cage when someone approach her

2. when she hear a howl

3. Bite audience's hands when they reach their hands into her cage

4. Mumbling to herself 


Background: Jung Hae was born in a wealthy family. Her parents and brother love her and she love them too. It's like a family that everyone dreaming of until one night, 2 unknown men came into her house. She hid in a kitchen table and luckily, those men didn't know. But, they dragged Jung Hae's parents and brother to the kitchen and start to stabbed them repeatly. They also mutilated her family's body in front of her eyes. It really makes a strong painful memory in her head. Few hours later, those men went home and Jung Hae following them behind. She brought a knife and started stabbing them from the back wildly. After those men dead,  she grinned, full of satisfication. Since that, she continuously killed people and animals at night. 


1. Hong Woon Gook | 47 | dead | he was a responsible father and dear to his family. He is a successful bussinessman and always gave nothing but the best for his family. | He and Jung Hae are so close to each other. He wanted a daughter for a long time so when his wife gave birth Jung Hae, he was so happy and treated her like a little princess.

2. Kim Rye Joo | 46 | dead | She is like, the best mother in Jung Hae opinion. She is a caring person and a very good example of what kind of mother Jung Hae wanted to be. | Rye Joo and Jung Hae is like the best 'mother-daughter' team. They were compact with each other.

Siblings: Hong Jung Mo | 24 | dead | He is a very supportive brother for Jung Hae. But, that doesn't mean he never fight with Jung Hae. He is a mischievous brother and likes to pranked his sister. | Jung Mo and Jung Hae are very close to each other, Jung Mo act like Jung Hae's guardian angel and Jung Hae likes to play with him

partner: Hankyung
back up partner: Sungmin
Relationship: Hankyung is one of the Ringleader's worker. His job is to make sure that Jung Hae is not breaking the cage and her mental jacket. 
his personality

Hankyung is a shy person but he has heart like an angel. He is a caring person and a true gentleman. He knows that his job is dangerous, but he took it anyway. He is very curious to Jung Hae, and he wanted to know more about her. He knows how to treat her right and that makes Jung Hae calm a little bit. 


He is a great story teller. He often tell Jung Hae story about the world, how beautiful it is, how colorful it is, and how cheerful it is. He has a genuine heart and love Jung Hae the way she is. He wanted to make Jung Hae back the way she used to be and he doesn't mind to wait for a long time as long as he achieve his intention.

Passwordhan geng <33
comments: Sorry for lots of grammar mistakes i made. English isn't my 1st language so I hope you understand :D


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