le rant 2

so my younger sister is entering high school next year and she enlisted korean as the foreign language she wants to take

and my mom has the nerve to accuse and berate me about how i have been “influencing” my younger sister into becoming koreanized or something

and my mother oh so graciously went off on a tangent on how the korean language is useless and spanish is spoken in pretty much every country and i’m “leading my younger sister on the wrong path of life”

what. the. heck.

yeah, i listen to k-pop quite avidly

yeah, on occasion i will watch a kdrama or two

yeah, i pretty much express outward, brazen negligence to any other ethnicity that isn’t the korean race

but me putting my time and interest and dedication into the korean culture does not equate to me koreanizing my younger sister and deluding her with my own interests

maybe my sister is interested in the korean culture as well and i can’t help that

quite frankly i’m elated that someone in my family is pursuing a foreign language other than spanish for once, korean specifically, so she can teach me everything she knows and i will become a fluent korean speaker one day know more about other asian cultures, etc., etc.

so mom

i’d appreciate it if you didn’t affiliate my interests with my own sister’s when me and her are two entirely different species of human



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Spanish is not spoken here ;_____;
Your mom is stupid.
I agree with you 100%. My mom says that anything Korean or anything ASIAN for that matter is just crap. Mostly, it's because I'm sort of maybe OBSESSED with it, but that's okay, ehehe
But my sister took an interest in a bunch of korean stuff too, her bias being jay park (that she talks of nonstop) and my mother get's angry and blames me. So yeah, whatever, it's not our faults our little sisters have taken a liking to something we like. Would it be a problem if it were something different? Like...idk...drawing? Obviously not. Then why so race centered, people? Okay okay, all done ranting with you.
But seriously, I totally understand you rai nao. :)
Spanish .... your mom doesn't know what is this!
;u; *hugs*
Nobody needs Spanish wth that useless language....
lol jk. maybe she can teach me too.