Application for ஜThe Social Experiment ஜ

[Personal Info]

Username: Gingi_306
Profile Link:
Name: Lilly
Age: 14

[Character Basic Info]

Name: Lee JiAe
Nickname: Ji
ual Orientation: Straight
Age: 17
Date of Birth: June 6
Birth Place: Seoul, S. Korea
Hometown: Seoul, S. Korea
Ethnicity: 100% Korean
Height: 170cm
Weight: 45 kg


Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Long, wavy
Eye Shape: Normal
Skintone: Pale
Picture of Ulzzang or female idol of choice :


Style Overall: JiAe’s style is very girly. She likes to wear bright/light colors she doesn’t wear dark clothes unless she’s going to a formal event; or if she’s heading to a club.
Preferred clothing: Skirts, dresses, skinny jeans, short shorts, flats, heels, blouses, over-sized shirts.



[All About You]


Mother: Deceased
Name: Park MinKyung
Age: Died at age 43
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Notes: Loved her daughter. Died of Cancer

Name: Lee KyungJae
Age: 50
Occupation: Owns one of the biggest companies in all of Asia and it is at risk of going bankrupt.
Notes: Is willing to do anything to keep his daughter happy.

Siblings: None
Notes: [Make sure to specify gender.]

History: While growing up, JiAe loved to travel to places with her mom on her business trips. And since her mom was a very famous fashion designer, JiAe was able to attend many fashion shows and events, which is why she loves fashion. But unfortunately her mother died when she was 12 years-old.

Languages: Korean (Fluent), French (Fluent)

Personality: JiAe has a y personality. She doesn’t care about other people’s feeling or whether they are happy or not, she only cares about herself. She grew up as an only child, so her parents spoiled her a lot; which is why whenever she wanted something, she always got it. She also believes that money is the solution to every problem and that it can get everything, especially happiness. She also gets mad very easily. She doesn't care if people become her friend only because of her money or if they actually want to be friends with her; she just wants more friends so that she gets more power. While in school, she was very popular for her sense of style and she was the one who always set the fashion trends. But quite a few people were scared of her because of her harsh personality, which she used to help her get more power.

  • Money
  • Shopping
  • Spending money
  • Allowance
  • Shoes
  • Jewelry
  • Fashion
  • Traveling
  • Having power

  • When things don’t go the way she wants it to
  • Studying
  • Slimy things
  • Bugs
  • Not having money

  • Shopping
  • Playing Guitar

Talents: Playing guitar
Main Love Interest: INFINITE Sungjong
His Personality: Sungjong is a huge diva. Most of the time, when he is in his diva mode, he can be cruel, critic, very bossy, and he acts as if he is the king of the world. But whenever he isn’t acting like a diva he can be a little nice and caring.
How you act around each other: JiAe and SungJong argue like an old married couple. They act act as if they despise each other, but in reality, they have feeling for each other.
How were any of your previous relationships: JiAe has been involved in many relationships, but all of them were just after her fortune.

Anything else I should know?: Because JiAe doesn’t like to study, people think that she isn’t smart; but she actually gets decent grades. JiAe becomes very emotional and teary eyed when the topic of her mom is brought up. JiAe always wears a necklace that used to belong to her mom that was given to her before her mother’s death.

Do they have tattoos?:

Piercings?: JiAe has 2 piercings on each earlobe.

  • Bugs
  • Deep Water
  • The Dark

Scars?: None  

Birthmarks?: None

An event from their tragic past?: JiAe almost drowned once when she was younger, so now she is scared to swim in deep water. But she still can stay in the shallow ends.

Lastly, are you okay if your character has a tragic ending? : You can decide.

Also, you know that I’m okay with any changes from your first apply fic, so if there is anything you want to change just ask :)


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Ahh! Thank you! I was so greatly anticipating this, and it was well worth the wait. Thank you so much.