
Name:Hwa Young

Nickname: [optional]

Date of Birth: [01/26/1991]

Ethnicity: Korean

Height/Weight: [170bm/57kg]

Blood Type:AB

Birthplace/Hometown:Seoul, South Korea

Schooling: Seoul Arts High School and Seoul Institute of the Arts

Occupation: Works in a small cafe as a waitress

Languages: Korean(Native), English(Fluent)



Ulzzang Name: Jeong Seo Yeong

Images: [2+]

Backup Ulzzang Name: Seo Ji Hye




Personality: She's very shy and quiet around strangers and tends to try and hide behind her friends when meeting someone new. She is childlike around her friends and they treat her as they "baby". She doesn't open up to people easily. She's very forgetful and is always losing something. She acts really innocent, but is really not that innocent at all. She's always cheerful on the outside, even when she's hurting on the inside, only her friends have ever seen her cry before and that was only once. She's very stubborn and always follows through with everything. She cares alot of her friends and always puts them before herself. Around guys she's usually gets very nervous and quiet, and begins to ramble slowly getting quieter until you can't hear her anymore. She is clumsy and often finds herself tripping over nothing. She would rather read a book in the comfort of her apartment than go shopping in a crowded mall. She is not a very big risk-taker and always likes to stay in her comfort zone. She is passionate about music and loves to sing and play instruments. She has a playlist on her Ipod for every mood and listens only to the playlist that matches her mood until her mood changes. She's very responsible and does her very best in anything.

Background: She was born in Seoul, her father owned a small business and her mother was a successful business lady who was gone because of business trips. She would always bring home exotic souveniors from her trips and plenty of stories which she gave/told Hwa Young. At the age of 8 her mother gave her a heart-shaped locket with both of their pictures in it and told her to where it when she was gone so she would always be with her. Hwa Young loved the present and wore it proudly all the time. When she was 9 her mother died in a horrible plane crash while heading to america.Hwa Young's father took the news hard, Hwa Young felt she needed to be strong for him,and she began to get quieter and hide her emotions. Her father soon got over the death of her mother, and noticed how shy his daughter had gotten, so he enrolled her in singing lessons hoping for it to bring her out of her shell. she found her love for music that way, but it didn't help with her shyness at all. Her father enrolled her at The preforming arts school of Seoul, where she was accepted and excelled well academically and musically she met her best friend Bom Park while she was a student there and Bom tried to persuade her to audition for YG entertainment with her, but Hwa Young refused, so Bom went alone and got accepted into YG as a trainee, but that didn't effect their close relationship at all. Hwa Young applied at the Art Institute of Seoul and was accepted due to her high grades and musical talents.

Likes: [5+]

  1. Any type of (except maybe country)
  2. Penguins
  3. The color Pink
  4. Singing
  5. Chocolate Cake
  6. The Locket her mother gave her
  7. Her teddy bear

Dislikes: [5+]

  1. Planes
  2. Strangers
  3. Country Music
  4. Anchovies
  5. Stuck-up people
  6. Crowded places
  7. being the centre of attention

Hobbies: [2+]

  1. Singing
  2. Reading
  3. Hanging w/ friends
  4. Listening to music

Habits: [2+]

  1. Hides behind friends when meeting a stranger
  2. Around guys rambles and gets quieter
  3. Sleeps hugging her teddy bear
  4. puffs out her cheeks when frustrated
  5. chews on the ends of pencils
  6. Clutches the locket her mom gave her

Trivia: [5+]

  1. Cannot sleep without her teddy bear
  2. never had a boyfriend or first kiss
  3. socially akward
  4. has a heart shaped birthmark behind her ear
  5. deathly afraid of planes
  6. Has a playlist for every mood

Ideal Type:G-dragon

Important Past Relationships: [if any, name them and what happened between the two of them]

 No, past relationships


Parents: [name, age, give a short description of their personalities, and your relationship with them]

Park Ho Pyong(Father)


Loves his daughter very much and wishes she would break out her shell. He is a very good natured man who loves to joke around and have fun with his daughter.

Park Su Dae(Mother)


Loved her daughter unconditionally and gave her the locket she never takes off. She loved to have fun and play with her daughter, was very serious when it came to work and died on a plane crash on her way to a business conference in America.

Siblings: Only Child

Pets: A long-haired miniature dashound named Peachy.


Park Bom

How You Met: went to High School together

An outgoing and happy girl, who loves corn. She loves to shop,sing, and be happy! She's now an idol at YG and apart of girl group 2NE1.

Sandara Park

HYM: Bom introduced them

An very good speaker and very theatricial. She loves to be with friends and family. She's apart of 2NE1 with Bom.

Lee Chaerin

HYM: Bom

A confident and strong person. Loves bears and her friends. She apart of 2NE1 with Bom and Sandara.

Gong Minji

HYM: Bom

A fun loving and loud girl, who loves to dance and have fun with her friends, she's apart of 2NE2 with Bom,CL, and Dara.


Lover: [top 3 choices, give a short description of their personalities, have you already met?]

Kwon Jiyong:

The leader of BIGBANG, very arrogant and cocky on the outside, but caring on the inside. She has never met him before and only seen him when she went to visit Bom and the others.


Member of B.A.P, erted and loves to make jokes, She has met him while working at the cafe.


member of Nu'est, a flower boy who is very sincere and caring. She has never met him before.



[feel free to pick anyone for friends/lover/rival, just be sure to say the group they're from. if i don't feel comfortable writing about them, i'll let you know.]



Why did you choose to apply ILF?: My friends said I needed a love life or else I would turn into a lonely old woman.

Who introduced you to the website?: My best friend, Bom Park

Does your character cuss, smoke, and/or drink?: She sometimes cusses, but not alot. She doesn't smoke, but she will have a drink now and then.

?: sure



Anything Else?:  notNote reanotnotnot

not really, you can message me if you want more info :)


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