

I wanted to blog about it because ... oh well, now that the excitment turned down a bit, I have to share my tears of joy of our babies.

SHINee's back! I mean ... it was 5:56am when I suddenly woke up alone, and I stared at my wall for good 2 minutes until I got the guts to leave my warm bed to come here, watch live their comeback. 

I was really scared that my mom wouldn't let me come here so early in the morning, but with my charmings (and Jonghyun's help) I put my doe puppy eyes and asked her to come see the love of my life perf. in his beautiness. 


I'm happy. No, I mean- I'm so ing happy right now. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my life. The last time I watched SHINee performance on stage live was in New Years Eve. Life couldn't be more perfect when they appeared and started to dance Lucifer Remix and Taemin has that delicious aura in him when he picked his guitar. Damn, I cried a week over that.

And now, I mean, about an hour ago, I almost had an heart attack. The thing was- I cried while watching such beautiful performance, such grown up and beautiful boys and the love of my life there, doing his best for us. I'm so grateful for today, that I'm feeling like crying all over again. 

The emotions, everything mixed with tears and wide smiles. No money in the world can buy a genuine thing like this, and really! I couldn't even think otherwise about not giving it all to them.

SHINee deserves only the best, only the goods, and us, shawols, will always support them wherever they need us. We're stronger, we're shing, we're forever SHINee.


Thank you for the attention, because this means alot to me ;n;


SHINee's back~

So, give it up give it up give it up for SHINee~ 

SHINee's in the house~



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You're in Korea? You're so lucky to see them! TT^TT
ilovekorea #2
I love you!! T^^^^^^T