shinee's back. (WARNING: unpopular opinion ahead)

I love shinee to death, I really do, but for some reason I haven't been excited about this comeback at all. other shawols have been dying with anticipation because of the teaser photos and the mv release etc. I haven't. when the album came out I listened to all the songs on the album and to be honest I was really bored with the whole thing. none of the songs caught my attention. that's all I have to say about the album, really. I was rather disappointed. I feel a little bad about this, because I am a shawol and I want to like it, but... I just don't. *shrugs*
I was hoping that their mv would give me a better feeling, because in the teaser the dance looked kind of cool. it didn't give me a better feeling and their dancing made me laugh. taemin's extensions were really bad, keybum's hair annoyed me (I don't like when their hair is in their eyes like that >__<) and... yeah, it was just... it didn't do it for me.
maybe I'm just not cut out to be a shawol anymore?


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I agree with you like 100% This song just didn't do it for me and like you I am also a Shawol I mean SHINee is one of the boybands that introduced me to Kpop but this song just didn't do it for me. Taemins hair is also just horrible I mean really its just horrible and OMG his bangs are just BLAH!!!!
SHINee_SASHAwol #2
I agree with pretty much everything you mentioned.
Shinee didn't impress ^me this time... It was just .. Eh
Yeah, Taemins hair >< I liked it in lucifer... But now, no.
I do have a feeling that the songs will probably grow on ^me later on... I kinda hope so XD
I agree. I'm sorry but the teaser pics, for the most part? My thought was "trailer parks and beer". It was just not tasteful, like the lack of clothing would make up for the lack of purpose in the pics. And Minho's? Just... What? Onew's was the only one I liked. I like Tae's long hair, but the vid just didn't do it for me. I'll love SHINee forever, but Sherlock? Just not a good comeback, bro.

Also, Victorian England + Hippies= ???
kagaki #4
I was just randomly picking blogs but I found yours. I have to agree with you, in my opinion I found this song and the album boring..,
Jojokawaii #5
*by movies I mean music videos
Jojokawaii #6
I agree with you, but I still think of myself as a shawol. I still love their older songs. And their last album, ironically named "the first", was really really good IMO, even though I really don't like sherlock. There is always hope, my friend. Go watch some of their older movies and you'll be ing in your pants in no time ;D
SHINee is Contemporary, which means they will always be trying new things. They're in the business to try going down new roads, and expand our view in music. There will be things nobody likes, and things everybody likes. I love their comeback, honestly. It's catchy, and the songs are quite good in my opinion. The dancing is really out there, not bad. It's just... different. Because they didn't have a choreographer that was in the Kpop business at all [Did all american stuff before this] maybe he didn't get the whole 'kpop style' thing, but I still liked it. It was creative. Their hair was great, I hated Onew's puff ball thing. It was weird, but I'll accept it... It's okay to NOT like something, but as long as you don't go around hating, it's fine... But, they're most likely not going to do the same things twice, so maybe next comeback, you'll change your mind on them again.
I myself am a big Shawol, but I do agree with you almost completely. I wasn't very excited about the teaser pics. Honestly, most of them looked bad :I The only ones I was excited about were Onew's because I'd been worried since he'd been out of the spotlight for so long D:
But then the highlight medley came out, and I still wasn't very impressed. Most of the clips sounded alright, but I wasn't super thrilled.
When the mv teaser came out, honestly the only thing I liked was that Onew's hair had been straightened and wasn't that horrible puffball mushroom cut OTL
When the album came out, I honestly didn't like many songs. The only songs I legitimately like from it are Alarm Clock, Honesty, and The Reason. The rest were not their best in my opinion.Far from it actually.
When I saw the mv this morning....yeah, I laughed hard at the dance. And Taemin's extensions were terrible. I didn't much like Key's hair in the mv, or even Minho's (although it was better than the horrible curly thing they did in the teasers). What I DID like though, was that in was an actual video, and they weren't just dancing in a room with flashy lights.
But yeah...all in all I was disappointed with the comeback, but still happy because they are our boys, and they worked hard, and pretty much it means that we'll be seeing more things from them :D And Onew is alive and well, and not hurt or sick, so I'm incredibly happy about that.
/long comment is long. OTL
oh i know how you feel. maybe we put them on too high a pedestal that whatever they put out wouldn't have met our expectations...idk. i first listened to the entire album on a bus on the way to the mall...that was the day it was released. i didn't listen to a single song again until last night when i put the album on repeat while in the shower to try and force myself to like it. i like stranger, but i like the Japanese version better. i hate to say this but i actually like big bangs album more than shinees, like i have the intro alive as my ringtone! i cant honestly say i would put any of these songs as my ringtone. and i just watched the video hoping that if i had a visual to think of while listening to the song it would be better, but i just kept wondering what the hell they did to taemin and why did he let them? his weave is so bad! you can see where the weave starts, and, tho i do not partake in weave myself, as a black woman, i at least know good weaves from bad and his is bad. its like Britney spears stringy after her meltdown...i just don't know...this album doesn't do it for me, i liked the song "Bromance" by ryanhiga more than the entire album....bigbang is gonna crush them on the music programs. i think maybe if Teddy Riley would've produced a song or two it would have been better cuz history by exo is....sad to say this, but not really, better than Sherlock, but that's just my opinion.
Leave SHINee World then, we won't miss you :D
cookiemob #11
Sadly I feel the same.. I really love SHINee but I felt this comeback was not good..
starkey #12
I should've read the title... *run and cries*
But - Kibum at the end with his glasses? adorable XD
I don't like Taemin's weave either, and I like when I can see Key's eyes. Onew's hair reminds me of Taemin's mushroom cut, but I still like it and Minho just... urgh XD but Jjong looks nice XD