Application for Obsession

Application Form:



Asianfanfics Username: Street

Profile Link: 


Name : Hwa Young

Stage Name (this is optional) : Street

Date of Birth : January 26, 1992

Age (16-24) : 20

Ethnicity (Full of Half Asian I don't care.) : Korean

Hometown/Place of Birth : Seoul, South Korea

Blood Type : AB

Height : 170cm

Weight : 57kg


Family Background (Please don't make it too sad. :> ) (2-3 paragaraphs) : She was born into a middle class family where they had just enough money. Her father owned a restaurant and her mother was a buisness lady who was often away on buisness trips around the world. She always brought back amazing gifts for Street and told her the many stories of her travels. When Street was 8 her mother brought her a beautiful heart-shaped locket from Italy claiming "it was one of a kind, just like her daughter" Street treasured it dearly and placed a photo of her and her mother in it.

Two years later her mother died in a horrible plane crash heading to New York. Street took the news very hard and began to sing her heart out, never taking off or letting anyone touch the necklace her mother had given her, her father would listen to her sad songs and try to persaude her to sing a happy one, until one day she finally gave in and did, that was the day she was scouted by SM Entertainment. Her father was overjoyed and proud of his daughter and agreed to it immeadiately without a question.


Trainee Years && Background (2-3 Paragraphs) :She was twelve at the time she was scouted and began to train right away. She put all her into her training saying "she was doing it for her mom". She met alot of SM artists during her trainee days, and got to actually train with them, but they all debuted way before her, and she was often found perfecting her voice and dance til the wee hours of the morning.

She had been training for 7 years before she was called into the presidents office and was offered the part in his new girl group. She accepted graciously and ran home to tell her dad the news. He was overjoyed and told her "your mother would be so proud" she burst into tears of happiness at finally reaching her goal and feeling like she did her mother proud.


Personality (2-3 paragraphs) : She is very quiet and timid, often hiding from strangers behind her fellow members, but is very over-protective of her members treating them like her family, if anything bad were to happen to any of them she would always be there for them. Around the topic of death she gets very upset and runs away, clutching her mothers locket close to her chest. She is very good at keeping secrets and people often come to her with their problems.

She gets quite flustered when she is surrounded by alot of people and sometimes faints. She is very childish and uses aegyo often in order to try and make up for the long years she spent training instead of being a normal kid. She prefers to give than to recieve and feels very akward when someone gives her a gift because it reminds her of her mother.

Likes (7+) :

  1. Penguins
  2. Singing
  3. Listening to music
  4. Llamas
  5. Reading
  6. Writing songs
  7. Being with her bandmates
  8. Watching TV/YouTube
  9. Sleep
  10. Her teddy bear

Dislikes (7+) :

  1. Planes
  2. The color orange
  3. Alarm clocks
  4. Spiders
  5. Snakes
  6. erts
  7. Tests

Habits (10+) :

  1. Puffs out cheeks when frustrated
  2. Hides behind members when strangers are around
  3. chews on the ends of pencils
  4. Sleeps in
  5. misplaces things
  6. Stutters/fidgets when around guys
  7. often clings to the past
  8. bites her lip when she's unsure of something
  9. starts to randomly get quietter and quietter until you can't hear her
  10. rambles when nervous

Trivias && Facts about your Character (As much as you want ) :

  • Has never had a boyfriend or been kissed.
  • Sleeps with a teddy bear she calls "Poshi"


Ulzzang Name: Jung Seo Yeong

Links (3+) : 

Style&&Fashion : 


Your Bias (Any from the following companies ; SMent, YG, Starship, and Woolim ONLY): Kwon Jiyong(G-dragon)

The Password:

Let's See if you really understood the Rules.


ans : Taemin 


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