M/V release

SM...I mean, do they actually plan on releasing the damn thing BEFORE i go to bed?

I just started soring break, so i WILL stay up if i have to

I have been waiting 2 years for this! My heart cannot take this!!!

Pictures of them before performing have surfaced tumblr

and im sitting behind my computer IN TEARS because i am not korean, nor do i live in korea,

therefore i cannot see what the korean shawols have seen already and i have to wait for stinkin US times to catch up or whatever.

sometimes life just isnt fair

but in the mean time 'SHERLOCK' has been on repeat

and in a few seconds it will be the 22nd

i shall stalk tumblr and allkpop for more shinee news

unless someone out there has a better english translated site that gives news faster?


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