
Sometimes i wish i wasn't even born.

I'm always depressed at school.

I'm always alone

I always cry when i get home

I wish i could end my life (but it won't happen)

I don't even know what to do anymore

couldn't i just not be here right now

God i'm suffering to much

i need all this weight taken off my shoulders

i want someone there for me

i want someone to always be there for me and not forget me

i'm always left behind

i am always invisible

no one knows what i am feeling inside

what they see is only the outside

i wanna cry so bad

but i don't have anybody to lend me their shoulder

God i can't take this anymore

there is just so much pain

no one knows what i'm going through

no one even cares about me

i have no real friends they just left me

my friends where stolen from me

they just left

like i'm just a toy that gets tossed into the trash can

i never talk in school

i wouldn't even talk for the whole day!

I always keep a straight face cause i didn't want to cry in class

i don't want to see a counsler

cause it would be no use for me 

its just telling a stranger your story

i'm going to go cry now

good bye

and i'll update once in a while^^

SuJu <3 you very much


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