
AFF Account Info

Username: Street

Profile Link: 


Character Info

Birth Name: Shelby

Korean Name: Park Hwa Young

Nickname: Street

Nationality: Korean

Birthplace: Canada

Date of Birth: January 26

Star Sign: Aquarius

Age: () 18

Gender:  Female

Blood type: AB

Height: 174cm

Hair Colour: Blonde

Eyes Colour: Brown


A very caring person, who will do anything for her friends. She is lazy and doesn't like to put unnessesary effort into things. Very passionate about her music. She is very quiet around strangers and tends to hide when they are around. She is insanely dissorganized and can never find anything she needs. She is quite childish when with people she's used to.


She was born in Canada and at the age of 10 lost her parents in a car accident. She took up singing to cope with the pain of the accident, after being sent to live with her aunt. Her aunt saw great potential in her and enrolled her in the local arts school. She was scouted at a school talent show for the Rose Academy of the Arts and she accepted the offer right away.

Family: (Name/Age/Job)

  • Park Soon Chun(Father)
  • 37(deceased)


  • Park Mi Ja (Mother)
  • 36(deceased)


  • Moon Su Dae(Aunt)
  • 44
  • Owner of a successful restuarant chain


Likes: (5+)

  1. Llamas
  2. Planes
  3. Singing
  4. Playing video games
  5. Snickers Chocolate bars
  6. Listening to Music
  7. Sleeping
  8. Composing songs
  9. Rilakkuma
  10. Anime/Manga

Dislikes: (5+)

  1. Orange
  2. Insane Fangirls
  3. Not being allowed to listen to music
  4. Stuck-up people
  5. Death
  6. Horror Movies
  7. erts
  8. Alchohol
  9. Being woken up
  10. Alarm clocks

Hobbies: (5+)

  1. Listening to Music
  2. Singing
  3. Playing Basketball
  4. Sleeping
  5. Reading/Watching Anime/Manga
  6. Playing Video Games
  7. Facebook/Twitter
  8. Writing Songs
  9. Hanging out with friends
  10. Dancing for fun

Habits: (5+)

  1. Puffs out her cheeks whenever she's frustrated
  2. Chews on the ends of pencils
  3. Hides when strangers are around
  4. Becomes very quiet when strangers are around
  5. Falls asleep in class
  6. Hums
  7. Talks really fast when excited
  8. Acts like a child

Languages: (Max of 4)

  1. English
  2. Korean
  3. Japanese

Past School:

  • Victoria School of the Arts


  • To become a famous singer.

Music Talents:

  • Singing
  • Composing Songs


  • Guitar
  • Piano


  • Singing Emotional Songs

Occupation: (Student/Singer/Part-time/etc)

  • Student

Optional Classes: (You can make them up if you want)

  • Rapping
  • Art
  • Chemistry

Dancing link: 

Singing link: 

Rapping link: (If your character doesn’t rap then don’t add a link) 

Applied or Scouted: Scouted

Stage Name: Street

Fan Club Name: Dolls

Club Colours: Neon pink and Black


Love Interest: G-dragon

Are you two already dating: No

Best friends (2):




Friends (4):

Choi Ok-Sun

Jung Mi-Kum 

Seo Mi-Sook 

Yu Ok-Rim 


Ulzzang name: Jung Seo Yeong

Back up 1 Ulzzang name:Lee So Ah

Back up 2 Ulzzang name: Seul Ki

Appearance Pictures: 

Style Pictures: 

Password: Big Bang is Back


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