
You shouldn't be called a friend if you couldn't offer your condolence to me and my family.

You shouldn't be called a friend if you expect me to say my apology for not knowing that your relative passed away after about 4 months of ignoring me.

You shouldn't be called a friend for not greeting your friend when it's their birthday but you expect they to greet you on your birthday, you aren't some frigging GOD to tell what to do.

Yes, I am looking at your mistakes, one by one, from the one I've been keeping in my heart, that I never mentioned to you.

Although I may have look happy outside, do you know what I keep inside my heart?

Does anyone know? Nobody, and I emphasized on that. NOBODY.

You can console me, but you choose not too. How can anyone called you a friend? How can people be so blind to be friended you, when they couldn't see the real you?

Truth be told, you are such a disappointment. You act so innocent infront of others but only those who knows you for a long period of time could stand you.


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