{[(MochaLatte)]} My Application

Application Form

AFF Username: Murasaki_Ai

Link to Profile: [here~!]

Name that you would me to address with: Mura


Character’s Profile

Full name: Choi Minra

Nickname: RaMin

D.O.B: 11/05/1996

P.O.B: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: London, England

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean and 1/2 Dominican

Personality: She comes off as boring to people who aren't very smart. She loves laughing but at making people love. She's very intelligent and can solve most things. She is very talkative with her close friends. She hates meeting new people. Deep down inside she's a die heart fangirl. She is stubborn, hard-hearted, strong willed, and highly motivated. She's easily angered.

She tends to attract others and loves attention but that's only in her idol mode. She's easily consoled. She's strong clairvoyance. She's very understanding. She has a good imagination. She's good physically. She's very restless. She's super hardworking. She's very high spirited. 

Hobby(s): Shopping for manga, Daydreaming, Writing fanfic, Reading history books

Likes: , Traveling, Dreaming, Literature, Art, Dancing, Winter, Spring

Dislikes: Being at home, Spiders, Being called a Nerd, Talking about her height, Racists, Being hot, Math

Habits: Staring out in space. Bowing her head when people are talking to her, Glaring at strangers

Facts: She has weak breathing and problems in her ear and neck. She's lightweight(weighs 93 lbs/45 kg) and is very short(5'3 or 160 cm). She has a birthmark on her arm that's shaped like a pair of lips. She has 3 freackles on her nose shaped ike a triangle. She's never had a boyfriend or many friends. 

Languages: English(fluent), Korean(fluent), and Spanish(fluent)

Talents: Popping, Confusing people, Baking, Cooking, Styling her hair, Getting what she wants with her Aegyo



Ulzzang’s name: Lee Hyo Jin

Ulzzang’s picture: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]

Backup Ulzzang’s name: Baek Su Mun

Backup Ulzzang’s picture: [  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5  ]

Preferable clothes: http://www.yesstyle.com/en/rina-dolman-sleeve-union-jack-t-shirt-white-one-size/info.html/pid.1027442343  and http://www.yesstyle.com/en/pippin-inset-shirt-knit-top/info.html/pid.1030414012 

Dorm: [ 1  | 2  | 3 ]

Casual: [ 1  | 2  | 3  ]

Practice: [ 1  | 2  | 3 ]

Formal: [ 1  | 2  | 3  ]


On Stage

Stage name: Minra

Persona: Explosive Package

Solo Fanclub name*: RaMin Noodles

Solo Fanclub colour*:                       

Position: Maknae and Main Dancer

Trademark*: Aegyo, Popping



Members : Choi Heejin | Father | 39 | International Businessman | He works all around the world but perfers North America, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean. He's happy for his daughter but he is dissapointed that her intelligence might go to waste. He has prepared many interantional jobs for his daughter in case being a K-Pop idol does not work.

Choi Marisol | Mother | 36 | Hair Stylist for Idols | She met Minra's father in England where they were both lived at a time. She also has jobs lined up for Minra. She's very layed back and believes that no matter what faith throws at her daughter she'll always be one of the top K-Pop idols in the world.

Family Background: Her mother lived in England for most of her life at the age of 18 she went to a cafe for a small cofee and to apply for a job. She bumped into Heejin and fell in love. In fear that Heejin 's family would be racist, she always covered up her skin and face in clothes and make-up. In the end Heejin's parents didn't care at all and accepted her 100%. At the age of 20 Heejin and Marisol got married. Marisol got pregnant and gave birth to Minra. Heejin and Marisol were afraid that the schools and students in the schools would be racist and hate Minra so they moved back to London.


Past life: Minra was always a very smart girl. She has skipped many grades when she was younger. She decided that when she turned 14 she wanted to become a K-Pop idol. She bargained with her parents and they moved back to Seoul. She auditioned at SM but was rejected because of unknown reasons. She was inraged and trained ever harder. With some of her college savings, her parents paid for her own tutor and dance/singing coach. She studied, danced and sang every single day until she was scouted into Core Contents Media.


Idol life

Trainee years: 3 1/2

How you were scouted: Since she was rejected at SM's auditions, she tried other places like Woolim, Cube, and YG. She was rejected by all except Woolim. She began a Woolim trainee but soon after decided to leave and audition for Core Contents Media. Finally she was scouted to become a CCM trainee.

Friend(s): Mir, Seohyun, Yoseob

Rival(s): Jessica and IU

Why: Jessica is her enemy because Minra thinks she's fake and is just doing her job for the money. Jessica also laughed when Minra wasn't accepted into SM and YG. IU tripped her when she walked outside of the SM, YG, Cube and Woolim buildings. They both laughed at her and she automatically hated them. She knows their true personalities but no one would understand or believe her.

Love interest: Mir or Thunder(Backup)


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