♛ e m p r e s s | Oh Nana | application

oh nana { natasha lunde } | empress


full name | Oh Nana [오 나나] | Natasha Lunde
nickname | Swan Girl - Nana's stage name while she was a ballerina.
age | 17
birth date | 31/07/1995
ethnicity | Korean | French
language | 
Korean | Fluent
English | Fluent

French | Fluent

weight & height | 41 kg, 162 cm
blood type | B


stage name | Nana
persona | Blue-eyed Beauty
[one]   visual ; vocalist ; dancer
[two] main dancer ; lead rapper
[three]      lead vocalist ; dancer

appearance |
[one] Kim Seul Mi
[two]      Park Sora

specialty | Ballet, modelling & violin
pre-debut | Nana was originally a principle dancer of the Paris Opera Ballet in France. A scout from T.O.P Media was watching her performance and was immediately intrigued by her grace and natural beauty. Because she was half Korean, Nana had Asian features, making her the perfect visual. After vocal lessons and interviews, Nana was accepted as a trainee.

In her spare time, Nana modelled for facial creams, hair products and fashion. In Korea as a trainee, she was known as 'Lauren's older sister', nothing but a pretty face. By becoming an idol, Nana wants to show that she has talent. 


background |

Jungkyu and Petra met in Paris, 1994. He was on a business trip from Korea and was walking by a lilac garden when he saw her. Back then, she was a sixteen year old blonde, blue-eyed beauty. Petra Lunde was one of the Paris Opera Ballet's top dancers. She was graceful and breathtaking, and soon enough, the two had fallen in love. 

Their first child was named Natasha (Or Nana as a nickname). She was the result of a sleazy one night stand. Jungkyu left, thinking that he'd never see Petra ever again. Although her career was put on hold for a few years, Petra was soon back on track as a ballerina. She had absolutely no plans on having another child. Soon, Jungkyu sent news that he had just had a daughter with his wife, Lauren.

 Nana was born Paris, France. She was brought up as a proper lady, one with manners who could easily be mistaken as a princess. Nana was taught to never show her true feelings, and lived life behind a glass box. She was the perfect daughter that her parents wanted, the perfect ballerina, the perfect everything. In fact, just for once in her life, Oh Nana wanted to be something totally unperfect. So when Kim Taehee, a scout from T.O.P media invited her to become an artist back in her home country, Nana said yes. Just the thrill, the power and thought of escaping from the harsh rules of ballet made her crave the rush of adrenaline. Of course her parents disagreed. Their perfect child had to be, well...perfect. A singer was something they believed was lowly--pop was not classical. 

Nana's persistent attitude continued to bloom. She talked about nothing but Korea each day, and gradually gave up on ballet. It was as though the strict bun on her head had pulled all of the life out of her, and Nana was set on bringing it back. Nana's mother, Petra Lunde, strongly disagreed. Jungkyu's child, Lauren (from Hello Baby MBLAQ), was already involved in the Korean media, and she didn't want her eldest child to end up the same. Petra had been a ballerina since she was a young child, and her dream was to see Nana perform and become the best.

personality | There is always 'that girl' in every scenario. Nana has always been 'that girl'. The fortunate, beautiful and talented girl. Even in France she was considered a beauty, a blue-eyed Asian girl, a pearl. She has the chic beauty to be classified as the 'face' or 'visual' of the group. Although her voice is weak and soft, she is an amazing dancer, with the skills of a professional.

Nana is your cup of tea. She isn't hard to deal with, and can be anything you want her to be, but what she has most difficulty with is conveying her feelings and emotions. She dances passionately, but her skills in singing are all technical. The problem with Nana is that she is far too perfect. She barely has a personality, she only does what you ask. If you tell her to do aegyo, she will. Tell her to smile, she will. 

Nana can be counted as a 'wallflower'. She is quiet and graceful, but goes rather unnoticed. She has a face that is undeniably beautiful, especially her naturally curly hair and blue eyes. But as far as personality goes, Nana is a blank page. She has those dreamy sort of eyes, that are too mature for her age, yet naive. She is very literal, very good at writing. Nana can do anything she wants that doesn't involve feelings. As a ballerina, she doesn't have feelings. She has a very 'in your face' attitude. She'll tell you honestly how it is even if it hurts. Nana asks too many questions, is far too obedient.

During variety shows and performances, she is the most uptight. Nana doesn't like having fun or slacking off. She is a workaholic and your perfect good girl. While she excells in almost everything, Nana has built her life on being the best. She only ever comes first in everything, and because of that, has lost her personality.

Nana is a shy girl, with a quiet voice. Rather than a conceited visual, she is a kind person. She has a permanent poker face (much like Go Hyemi in Dream High). Because she has been a ballerina since she could walk, Nana hardly ever had any friends. The only friend she was her pet cat, Tokki (Rabbit in Korean).

She is good at calming people down, her soft and gentle personality is always in perfect zen. She believes in good things, but overworks herself as a punishment. If they finish practice and 10 p.m, Nana will be in the dance studio until 1 a.m in the morning. Because her mother was a famous ballerina, her expectations for her daughter have always been number 1. Nana's little sister is Lauren Lunde, a child-star and model. In Paris, she'll use her mother's last name, Lunde. In Korea, she'll use her dad's, Oh. Strangely enough, Nana is following her little sister's footsteps.

Sometimes Nana can be a neat freak. She has a mild case of OCD and likes everything to be neat and perfect. She is a bit cold, but only because she hasn't been warmed up. She has a quiet aura, and likes silence more than anything. Her favourite type of music is relaxing opera, classical music and intrumentals. 

What she cannot stand are delinquents. She detests people who have thrown their lives away, doing nothing but roaming the streets. Nana pities them, especially those who don't have a passion. When it comes down to music, Nana has a soft voice (much like Jiyeon from T-ara). She definitely isn't number one on her vocal capability, but she isn't the last either. She has come down to the conclusion that she can do anything if she puts her mind to it. Nana isn't exactly negative, or positive; but a realist. She loves pastel colours, especially white and pink.

Unlike most ballerinas, she doesn't have a y personality disorder, anorexia (even though she is quiet underweight), or anything other stereotypes they are portrayed as in fanfics and dramas. Nana is in fact, a quiet and overworked girl. She is kind and sweet, but shys away too much. Nana would much rather be in the background than in the spotlight, even though it finds her so easily. She is comfortable while dancing though, and feels most at home doing pirouettes. 

Of course, Nana gets the most hate. Anti-fans dislike her 'empty attitude', or her blank face. Although she has the least amount of fans, the ones that she does have are extremely loyal. They call themselves 'Knights'. 


hobbies / habits 


  • dancing ballet
  • reading
  • studying
  • gymnastics
  • writing
  • practising her violin
  • fashion


  • twirling her hair
  • scratching her thighs when nervous
  • bowing for uneccessary occasions
  • walking like she's dancing (from toe to heel)
  • spinning randomly
  • humming under her breath
  • not speaking
  • dozing off, daydreaming

likes / dislikes | {at least seven each }


  • pastel colours
  • pointe shoes
  • beautiful images
  • cats, birds, animals in general
  • fashion
  • books
  • libraries
  • quiet places
  • gardens
  • whimsical things
  • pretty words
  • poems
  • her little sister, Lauren
  • the Eiffel Tower
  • opera, classical music
  • lockets
  • jewelry


  • free time
  • delinquents
  • parties
  • loud noises
  • trumpets
  • not dancing
  • strangers
  • darkness
  • soppy love stories


trivia |

  • individual fanclub name; 기사 | gi-sa | meaning Knight | Because Nana's personality is one of a princess. She has manners like a royal, so her fans will protect her.
  • individual fanclub colour; tea rose pink
  • she has a strange for cats
  • began dancing when she was 4 and started studying at the Paris Opera Ballet at the age of 10
  • favourite ice cream flavour is green tea
  • looks most like her younger sister, Lauren
  • got her blue eyes from her mother
  • learnt the violin when she was 9
  • does yoga
  • favourite flower is the lilac
  • she is the youngest principle dancer in Paris
  • has a British accent when she speaks English
  • loves vingtage clothing
  • prized posession are her first worn out pointe shoes
  • has tutus all over her room
  • still goes to ballet classes even though she's an idol
  • always does a ballet move in their songs



  • Oh Jungkyu | 40 | Technician | He and Nana barely know each other. Jungkyu lived in Korea while Nana was growing up, and when she returned to Seoul, she lived with her dad while training. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but they gradually started rebuilding their relationship. Meanwhile, she spent time with her half sister, Lauren. 
  • Petra Lunde | 34 | Ballerina | Petra is strict and cold. She spent her life training for one thing: to be the best. She and Nana have a distant relationship, more like teacher and student than mother and daughter. Petra lived in France for her whole life, as she is fully French. She dislikes anything low, or not classical, especially the Korean media.
  • Lauren Lunde | 4 | Child Star | Nana has always loved Lauren even though she didn't know much about her. The two share strikingly similar looks, even though they have different mothers. They are close friends and Nana showers her with love. Lauren has an open, strong and attention-seeking personality, completely opposite to Nana.

Nana's has never really had any friends, except for her sister and her cat.

  • Tokki | 5 | Domestic Pet | Tokki is Nana's cat. She is sweet and sometimes ferocious to strangers, and always loves to curl up on Nana's lap. Nana's had her since she was a small kitten, and loves her to bits.
  • Lauren Lunde | 4 | Child star | See above.


ideal guy | tall, strong, fun. Nana's never really had any time for guys, so she didn't take notice of them. She really wants someone fun, who can bring her out of her shell. 

[one]           Lee Taemin (SHINee)
[two] Kim Myungsoo/L (Infinite)
Jo Youngmin (Boyfriend)
[four]   Jo Kwangmin (Boyfriend)


partner’s personality | 
[one] Lee Taemin | Taemin and Nana share their passion of dancing. He has a bubbly and upbeat personality, but is sometimes a rebel. He is the scruff, delinquent that Nana dislikes, but even she finds it difficult to ignore his charms. He rides a motorbike and does street dancing in his free time.
[two] Kim Myungsoo | Myungsoo is sometimes very strange. He sees the world through bubbles and always runs about. His outer image is as cold and distasteful as Nana, but deep inside he is cute and naive.
[three] Jo Youngmin | He is your average Prince Charming. Jo Youngmin is bubbly and flirty, but his charms don't work on Nana, who he wants so badly. He's a playboy who finds her intriuging, and soon, Nana falls for him too
[four] Jo Kwangmin | Kwangmin is cute and always happy. He loves childish things, completely opposite to Nana, and is always smiling. Kwangmin is the kind of medicine for an uptight girl like Nana. He takes her out alot and brings out the true 17 year old inside of her.
rival | 
Sulli | f(x) | She has her eye on Lee Taemin, and will do anything to get to him. She is annoyingly persistant, always flirting with him and trying to ruin Nana.
Gyuri | KARA | Nana andd Gyuri have a friendly rivalship. They are close friends, but are always battling each other out on variety shows because of their "goddess looks". 


extra | I know that Lauren's dad is Canadian or something, sorry! But I really wanted her mum to be French and her dad to be Korean. Hope you understand! If her partner is Taemin, can they have some sort of dancing scene?

username | nanachirisuu


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