Eottokae?! T^T

So I really want to post up this fanfic that I've been writing but I don't know what to do!!

Gah!! I mean, I think it's good - actually, BOTH are good (there's two) - but like the human being I am, I'm scared that no one will like it.

EOTTOKAE?!?!?!?!??!?!?! > < *pulls hair out in frustration*

ANYWAYS...hopefully I'll get the guts to post it up ^^

kekeke...annyoeng!! ^^


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Miszfiqa #1
chingu, just post it..
actually mine is bad too..
but i just post it..
no matter how bad the reaction, i'll continue writing as i felt like it's already a part of me..
even if only a person read and subscribe it, i'll still post it for that person..
Post it up anyways! haha who cares if no one will read it (but I'm pretty sure someone WILL read it) as long as you wrote it with some passion then I'm sure you'll have someone who comes along and goes "OMG THIS IS AN AWESOME FF!" ^^