
This person down here... Whoever you are... I'm sorry for making this blog post and you probably going to hate me now after this... I don't want to be mean but what I'm doing right now could be considered as more than mean... Then again... I have some questions for my readers, friends and whoever reading this post...

1. If a person messages you everyday, comments on your status with content has nothing to do with your status, wants to be a relative of yours on facebook, asks you how are you and what are you doing like every freaking time they on facebook or on your wall, and when you said you couldn't understand their languages, they even went further to use google translate to be able to chat with you, would these kind of things be considered as what friends do to each other or a troll or more than that, a STALKER?

2. This could be considered as a racist attitude but would it be awkward when you can't even understand their english?

And one more matter that I constantly re-experience on facebook these days are, people message me in languages that I don't even understand. Let me ask you this. Facebook clearly shows your profile to people who come to your wall right? And they clearly make you put on your race as well as languages you could speak on there right? Well guess what? I VISIBLY put on my profile that I speak English and Vietnamese... but why people keep message me in other languages beside my two languages? Hey if it was one time, I wouldn't mind. I always try to be as nice as I could but keep getting up on me. My bloodtype is AB girls, if I don't refrain myself, you would probably be lying on the ground twitching with the almost burned body due to my acid-tongue. My message for you people who are Facebookers, PLEASE READ A PERSON'S PROFILE BEFORE EVEN TALK TO THEM.


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I used to have a stalker but he wasn't really a stalker stalker. He liked me and not followed but asks me things, talk to me, even write poetry for me ... eventually he left school & I never heard from him again =))
LOL ! He's one of those guys that are darker skinned and belong to this kinda ... gang? Haha ~

I also don't get the bloodtypes ... I don't know my bloodtype >.<
Thats kinda freaky... I had a stalker like 2 years ago. God it was so scary... He used to chase me around school... Just thinking about him makes me want to cry.
Hmm.. Big stalker.. ><
You gotta be careful~ ^-^
Wow bloodtype AB.. I always wanted to be a AB xD
AB's cool~