That's kinda gay. Well, maybe not.

What am I talking about? This video. It's 'She's A Flirt' by Yoo Jia and Baby Soul with Dongwoo. Now, there was kind of a controversy between if they look like lesbians or good friends. I personally think they're just good friends trying to comfort each other .__. but no one listens to me. I mean, at first it looked a little ehh but then I got over it. I do not know what I meant by that last sentence.

My friend, Nikki, said it looks like they're together but one of them's cheating on the other one with a guy. Idk how she came up with that. But asdfghjkl Yoo Jia is so pretty ;_;

Anyway, I have to go to choir. Meh. Good-bye for now! ^_^


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Okay, I'm so in love with this song now. xD
i actually listened to that song like... not even 3 days ago!!!
XD ahahah
crazy coincidence! XD lol
but i looove Baby Soul's "No Better Than Strangers" with WeeSung.
awesome song ^u^
JonghyunnieHyung #3
actually i can understand...if they dont understand the lyrics LOLOLOLOL being Korean kinda comes in handy XD
JonghyunnieHyung #4 could people say they were lesbians when the lyrics are talking about a GUY cheating on a GIRL. LMAO. theyre good friends, i mean...its all in the lyrics @_@