History Dance Version

(I hope no one kills me for this x.x)

So I watched both EXO-K and EXO-M's version. In my opinion, EXO-K is better at dancing while EXO-M is better at singing. SM probably should focus more on EXO-M's vocals as their strong point instead of dancing. They might've made a nice ballad group, but who knows. Then again, I only watched EXO-M's version once, so I didn't exactly 'evaluate' it.

When I first watched EXO-K's dance version, I was freaking excited! They were really on point with everything except for like two things. But as I kept replaying the video (it was on fullscreen) I noticed that the boys looked pretty tired (sleep-wise) especially Kai. You could see the dark circles under his eyes whenever he came closer to the camera. What ruined the video for me was at 2:24 when Kai injured his ankle or something and you could see it on his face. Then after that, he went on like nothing happened. Idk, it just kinda hit me a little because all the boys looked really tired and it seems like they're really busy with this pre-debut stuff. I hope SM doesn't work them too hard... Even though it's tiring for them, they still go on to perform just for their fans.

ANYWAYS, I'm really excited for these guys to debut. They've been working really hard based on what I've seen from the practice videos. What amazes me is that they haven't even debuted, yet they already have two music videos, teasers, dance practice videos, and EXO-K is already the model for Calvin Klein. I'm really curious as to see how well they do once they ACTUALLY debut. EXO hwaiting~



P.S. Am I the only one who's scared that their debut song won't meet everyone's expectations? :/ Just a thought...


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