ღღღ sHiNn!g PLAyerz ღღღ [application]




Asianfanfics Name:  kpoplove95

Profile Link:  http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/73698


Full Name: Jung Dae Hae

Nicknames: DayDay,little cat

Age: 17

Birth Date:9 February 1995

Birth Place: Busan,South  Korea

Ethnicity: korean

Languages Spoken: english,korean,japanese,malay and chinese



        When she young she is a timid person.She always being compared to her older twins which always win music competition.Because of that she upgrade herself  to become good in everything.That makes her perfectonist.But the only things she is not good is sport or more clearly HATES sport.Everyday she will practice and practice and practice to upgrade herself.However,one day she fainted.Her parent bring her to the hospital and the check up she got bipolar cause she too depressed and pressure herself.She will be gappy go lucky girls when she happy and when she deppressed she will become dull.After that day,her parents changed and treat her and her twins fairly.Her brother always by her side to prevent her to be her other self.One day,she saw her brother diary that shows his dream to become artist,So from that day she will always be or act cheerfull in front her brother to show her brother not to worry about her and just pursue his dream.When her brother busy,she always become lonely cause her parents always work while her twins always go for perform around the world.So,she decidec to become artist to follow her oppaand to spread her wing for music.When she is trainee,she got to be actress,model,mc and musical actress.That makes she got a group of fans that call themselves 'The Day'.She also slowly become new person.She become more open after she built and friends '95liner'.People always like to know her because of her angelic self.She also being call as 'nation youngest daughter in law' because her motherlike self.[now,present]But when she angry her bipolar self take over her body she will becom like a stepmom and the only way to cure her is bring her brother.


Family History/Background: 

   Her parent always busy that make she close to her twin and her brother.Her grandparent from both side already passed away.After her incident her family become happy fmily.


Family members:

Father|Jung Jae Jung|45|President Of Jung and co (makes music instruments)

Mother|Kim Hae Ra|43|Principal of Seoul Music High School

Big brother|Jung Dae Hyun|19|Lead Vocal in kpop boygroup name B.A.P

Twin sister|Jung Dae Hee|17|Musician in one of the popular orchestra group

Cousin|Lee Howon @ Hoya|21|Main dancer,vocalist and rapper in a kpop boygroup call INFINITE



-green stuff

-anything that relates to music (from object to person)

-healthy foods

-collect any kind of cardigan

-her 95liner group

-people who accept her self even her bipolar self


-things that sweet



-slimy things like earthworm

-people who said her food she making is not delicious (her cooking is very delicious)

-food that taste bitter

-people who make noise that interupt her when she reading


-her bipolar self


-annoying people





-taking picture


-practice music and vocal

-go visit her oppa

-spreading her 95liner group

-make new friends



-she will act like a stone when she is soo sad

-playing with her fingers when she do something wrong

-talking without stop when she nervous

-will clap her hands everytime she laugh

-she will go to sleep when she angry to prevent her bipolar self to show out


Appearance: 9~Top , provide picture (no links) ~

Name of Chosen appearance: Park Cho Rong


Stage Name:  D-Day

Persona: The Bipolar Princess

Position: Main Vocal and Lead Dancer

Trainee Years: 2 years

Trainee Experience: 

-musical actress in Fame and Roly Poly The Musical

-actress in Boys Over Flower,Prosecutor Princess,Goong and Beethoven Virus

-guest for Star King and Vitamin

-mc for variety show We Are Dating

-model for SPAO anf Skin Food


Trainee Story: she like to play music so always go to practice at night because she shy to play music in front others.She always being mistaken as a ghost because of her long hair and snowy white face.She will be punished to cook for other trainee early morning the next day because often make the guards shocked every night.



Partner/Bias: henry

Relationship Status: have met | single

How did you meet?: N/A

Bestfriends: jongup ,namjoo

Friends: *95liners*[ youngmin,kwangmin,chaejin],seyong,zelo

(want ) yes ^^


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