you know you want to click this.

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please recommend me some fantastic stories to read :3

If you're going to recommend me dbskgirl4ever's stories, then forget it, because I am not looking for stories like that to read. I am in need of, well, stories that deviate from the norm, of if they do not, are created by an awesome author who has a unique writing style.

Yes, I am looking for these kind of stories. /nodshead

Shoooooooooooooo. Please? C:


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How about Still Doll?
/is very late XD
I don't read much nowadays.....
Too sick to do anything ._.
I want stories like this too~
*wants to be a writer like that* c:
P.S. ← that's her profile link, btw xD
Lynn !

i swear she has the most amazing stories ever . and sometimes its not what you expected , either . i started reading her fanfics and i got smitten .

she has AFF account ..tho i dont know if shes still active . but you can check her out ! ( the stories i mean , heh )
You caan try this story if you waant :D
It's a UKISS fic and it's pretty creativee xD
You can check my subscription list for something to read. I had been trying to find some original, unique fanfics to read too. It does get boring seeing stories that follow the typical trend of dramas/soap operas without a unique twist to it.
D3stinyx, TiaraL, Hyunkiki, Babo-Rabbit, Godwoon_96, frozen_star6, and FiefaPalooza XDD

Oh! megashawol, Syeera_Sungmin, riddlerani, youjelly, Changmer_24, junnie4life, Helloimln and MikoHika write really well too!! Love their stories!

And I loooveee woonieka, mimimika101, and smilingintherain stories too! Kekeeke~ Seemed that I love their stories very very very mucchhh!

Those are my favourite authors and I LOOVE THEIR STORIES! hahaha
I recommend candyredhearts and summerchild's stories.
cuppieee writes really well too.
-ximini #13
Kekeke. Read stories by 151paradise or lllilu (:
This Time of Night by Jiayun
this is one is really not bad. it's a one-shot. ^^
fits your critirea quite well.

Candles In Heaven