What the Fug?! >:O

So I was going to get on a few days ago, but I found that NEITHER my accounts would log me in. I even typed super slow! Then I went down and saw NO fanfics, whatsoever. I was so confused over these past few days. Now it's back up and I'm like "WHOOOO!!!! 8DDDDD" *does the "Happiness" dance*

Well, with AFF being gone, I realized how much extra I have on my hands. But hey, I used it to do homework and start learning "Be My Baby~" ;D


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XD you're learning the actual dance? i'm so proud~ i know the chorus and that's it ^^;
I know the feeling Dongsaeng and oh shy777 its not just you, many people are seeing that.
Hey, I know! I'm glad the site is back! But I got a question, are your subscriptions and stories up to date? Mines aren't, they are said to be updated on the fifth when I update on Saturday...so do you have the came problem??? Just asking, I want to know if it's just me or something...
I know the chorus to be my baby, learned it in 5 minutes -derp- Ive been looking up GTOP pictures on Tumblr, hanging out with friends, and going on my rp account. -nods-