What should have been my birthday...

So, I've been making plans for about two months now to go out of town with my best friend due to the fact that my 21st birthday will be in 28 minutes. I've been planning this trip for a very long time. I had everything settled, the car ride down there, the money to go, a babysitter to watch my son overnight, and a hotel room that cost me and my friend 200 dollars.

my family knows that I've been planning this trip for QUITE some time and they made no protests against it or told me that I can't until LITTERALLY 2 days before I'm supposed to leave. They told me that I'm forbidden to go or else I will be kicked out of the house and that I'm a horrible mother for even THINKING about wanting to go do something fun for my birthday. Excuse me. My TWENTY FIRST birthday, like THE MOST IMPORTANT birthday in a person's LIFE.

They have ruined my entire ing birthday (pardon the french) and I am BEYOND pissed. Which is why most of the stuff I'll be writing the next few days is probably gonna be either extremely angsty and sad or else some seriously hardcore angry .


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chocofourlyf #1
Aaaw. That's so sad. To tell you the truth, I'm getting pissed just reading it. Either way, I hope you had a great day.
Happy Birthday~~
You know you still got us, whatever happens. :D
Wow! Sorry :'-(
Wae they hatin on yo birfendaii? And the legal liquor birfendaii at that?! Thats ed up! So ed up... I hope some fun comes your way!
Sorry unnie well

Happy birthday unnie XD =D
That ...I'm sorry unnie.


Happy birthday to you though.