LPK726's 10 artists thing... I shoulda put bigbang somwhere better

List 10 musical artists you like, in no specific order (LIST THEM FIRST BEFORE ANSWERING TO THE QUESTIONS )

1. 2ne1

2. Super Junior

3. CNBlue

4. Teen Top

5. AFter School

6. Big Bang


8. SHInee


10. Dalmation

What is the first song you heard by number 6? I heard Lollipop by 2ne1 and them, and I feel in love with GF right then and there.

What is your favorite song by number 8? ooooh... I love them all, but I guess... Lucifer?

What kind of impact has number 1 had on your life? Got me into girl kpop that wasn't candy pop like SNSD (i love them too though)

What is your favorite lyric(s) of number 5? T-R-Y, do it now, can you follow me, yes, uh-uh T-R-Y, pick it up, you'll never catch me, oh no! (I looove singing along, I love the rap in that song too)

What song by 3 makes you happy? I'm a Loner from bluelove and imagine first step.

When did you first get into 2? They were obvs one of the first groups I got into, I think this december? I found the sorry sorry video and the No other one... it was love.

How did you get into 3? You're Beautiful drama, he was in it and I loooved him and then i found out yonghwa was in a band for real.

What is your favorite song by 4? Definitely Supa Luv LOL

How many times have you seen 9 live? Never -.-

Favourite album by 7? their only album lol

What is your favorite song of 1? i think Can't Nobody

How did you become a fan of number 10? Just discovered them actually, I saw Eatyourkimchi's review of the man opposed haha... and I was looking at the new music to play on my kpop show for that week.

What song of 4’s do you listen to the least? well i don't have that much, but it says only 8 times for transform... i don't know if that's fair though, cos that's kind of just an intro.

How long have you known 9? well i only discovered kpop last december so since then.

Top 5 favorite songs by 5? Bang Ah Love Love Love ....are the only ones i know haha

Have you seen 10 live? Nope :( Have you met 4? no... why is korea so freakin far away?

What’s your favorite album by 1? Why are there no questions on 6? wtf survey? I guess 2ne1 first album?

What is one of 2’s best songs? I'm in love with Monster. i wish there was a MV like you have no idea...

How many times have you seen number 2 live? Never -.- seriously?

Which number have you known the longest? 3 haha followed closely by 2.


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Hahah<br />
I know!<br />
They should have distributed the number questions evenly -.-
GAH! iT came out weird! and hard to read =.= the same thing happened to me!!!