Just an update please read

So gang princess is going along as planned. However I am neglecting the turning point. A kiss. Thanks right my lovely reader Elodie is gonna be kissed. But I am not sure who will be the lcky man who will have the honor. Who would you like to see: DOnghae, Kyung, L, Sungjung, Leeteuk, mayb someone from boyfrieng. I want to please my readers. But other then that, what do people think sofar. Am I doing wat you want or do you want more or less. Or more drama? i was thinking of addind something dealing along the lines of her and yung having a dark past having to deal with Hyuna. ALos adding BAP was not something I was going to do like their look and I think they add a lot to my story, I will begin the back story to what happed toElodie at TOP high and how she is different rthen how she was. Which brings be to the point of should I end sooner or later. I am going to end with a time skip of about 5 or 10 years, or whatever is requeted by my reader. Also I am dragging our Big Bangs intorduction for specific reason that I am not entirly sure of yet, so please bear with me. Also I may not be posting for a while to to themassive amount of school work I have to do, so I will try to post. But in the mean time please check out my other storys and check my out on deviantart. if you want the name just comment on it. I also want a banner for my story but I am not good at moaking so kinds of things so if someone would make one for me that would be awesome and I would love them forver, and if they want me to pay for it i will negociate a price fore it. Thank you to all the subscribers, everytime I see that there is a new subscriber and comment I get so happy that I just smile all the time. It is the readers that feul this story and I would not be writing it if no one was reading it. SO that is all for right now. Remember tell me who you want to kiss her, it will be during  school beach trip that I am basing of of Ouran and Hana Kimi. Thamk you once again, and if you have any request for ideas or a new story please tell me, which also reminds me I will be writing a Vampire fanfiction based on a dream i had of super junior a few night ago, it was wonderful and y. so bye bye for now my lovely readers and subscribers and friends, KISSES FOR EVERYONE!!!! mwa mwa mwa! saraghea, wo ai ni, j'adre, ich libe dic, jeg elsker digg, and all those other ways to say i love you! heart


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