A Korean Food Experience

Im head over heels for this korean dish! Its called Bulgogi and its meat, rice and onion in a package of lettuce. yum!
My love for food has always been big, so I have been called "little Miss Chef" a number of times =) Resently Ive been trying to master the asian, mostly Japanese and Korean, kitchen with popular dishes like Kimchi Fried Rice, Sushi and today Bulgogi. If you havnt tried eating Bulgogi you should really send me a message and I´ll give you a recipe!!!!!!!

Everybody should come home to me at thursdays and fridays and try my korean and japanese food!!!!! I promise I am a really good chef!!!!!


ps. Kimchi fried rice is reaaaaaaallllyyyyy good too so try it also!!!!!! And I had the best time making Sushi so you should defenitly try cooking that.


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I love bulgogi! I'm going to eat at a Korean resturant on my next day off! :D I'm looking forward to having boba tea also! Fighting! I want to learn to prepare kimchi fried rice!
Omg bulgogi is sooooo good. I went to this korean restaurant a while from where I live. Definately worth it. X.x *craves korean food now*
aerokinesis #3
I want to eat Korean dishes too but my country doesn't seem to like Korea much xD