♕ the games of skyderim

application form. 

Username: xflaminfox
Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/48642

Activity: 10
Reference: Nessa


Name: Lee Yuet
Preferred Name: Yuet
Birthday/Age: 21st of June 1994
Bloodtype: B
Height: 5ft 2, 157cm 
Weight: 45kg, 99lb 


District of Origin: District 3
Most people in district three are born with the power of transformation which includes Yuet. Each animal she transform has a different trait that can be used for different purposes. She has three main categories of animals. Power, speed, and stealth. For power, she would either transform into a tiger, rhino, jaguar, wolf, great white shark, eagle or grizzly bear. For speed, she would transform into cheetah, sailfish, horse or falcon. For stealth, she would most likely use smaller animals to minimize the chance of being seen. For example, a red fox, jay bird, squirrel and badger. One exeption would be the leopards as they are great at stealth and camoflage. She is easily able to transform into a smal and medium sizel animal without any effort but is the opposite with larger animals. Largers animals require more stamina and is harder to maintain. She usually would transform into an eagle or wolf since they are smaller than the other power animals. When transformed into an animal, she is given the senses that animals have naturally. Such as, night vision, better hearing, better smell, and ect. It depends on which animal she transform will she have these given traits. It takes around ten seconds for her to transform completely. If she is disturbed, her transformation will be canceled.

Fighting Style: 
Her fighting style consist of a hit, hide, and strategy. Below launching an attack, she would plan out her moves. Rather than transforming into a power animal, she would transform into either a cheetah(speed) or leopard(stealth). Naturally her strength is below average than the norm but her speed and stealth is way above average. Transforming into these cats take less efforts than a lion or tiger because, they are lighter and smaller. Ueing the leopard's stealth, she can give a surprise attack and hide again in the bush awaiting for her next ambush. For a cheetah, she would make quick strikes at each angle not allowing the opponent to see her movements. Of course, that doesn't mean that she doesn't transform into powerful animals. She only transform into powerful animals when she is out of strategies and uses brute strength. Just because her strength is below average doesn't make her weak. She will use her eagle form to attack as well. She will fly into the sky and strike and repeat untill she is tired. Same with a squirrel, she would throw rocks hitting the enemy. When it seems like she is tired or losing, she will always try to escape. Being the loser she is, she will transform into a badger and dig her way out.

Other Skills: 

  • She is a great hunter -/ Since she can transform into many predetors.
  • Excellent strategist -/ Is able to act very well in high-pressure moments. Usually she would analyze the sticky situation she is in. Most of the time, she would play along untill she can strike and take control of the situation.
  • Great at hiding and sneaking.
  • Kung Fu -/ Randomly knows it. She will however, rarely use it since she is mostly fighting in an animal form.

How/Why You Were Selected: Born into a poor family, they always had financial problems. At a young age, money had played a large role for her. Money bought things. She loved things. Her greedy heart was tempted by the prize money and resources that she started to train herself at a young age. Each year she hoped that she would be selected and finally she was. Probably because she was the most enthusiastic about it.
Death Method: A long painful death. Probably stabbed by poison and left there to die.
First Impression: 

Park Narsha | She was one of the only people to ever win in district three. She was her idol way back when she was a little girl since she won. Also because she was short just like Yuet. 
Jung Yunho | She thought that he was too old for her and thought of him as an older brother than teacher.  


Appearance: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
Name of Ulzzang/Model: Seo Ji Hye
Back-Up Ulzzang/Model: [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Back-Up Ulzzang/Model Name: Song Ah Ri
Style: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
Unseen Appearance: 
Piercings : Left Ear  | Right Ear
Tattoos: Right shoulder blade



Yuet is a strange person indeed. She can stay still and stare at people and figure out their flaws in minutes and personality in hours. It takes awhile for her to grasp on one person's personality. She learns the person's flaws and troubles and can use them against them. She will blackmail people if she feels the need to. Sometimes people (the ones getting blackmailed) would ask her why she is like this. She would reply "What fun would that be?" in her innocent voice and walk away. To make life funner, she enjoys pranking random people without any guilt. She loves to see their reactions and funny faces. People haven't found her to be the culprit since she excells in the arts of hiding.
She is very good with first appearance. When you first meet her, you will find that she acts shy and sweet with a touch of innocent in her voice. This make her more likable as a person. When the person falls for her shell, she will use you as much as she can for her own needs but it is very indiract so people don't notice as much. She may be sweet to you, but is just lowering your defences. She does this a lot and is hard to tell if she is just faking her kindness or is actually real. She pretends to trust you most of the time but doesn't really trust people easily. She has a very weak heart and is tempted by greed. In fact, she thinks money is the best thing that anyone could have. She may have allies but, she isn't hesitant to throw them away if the situation is bad. She usually only looks after herself but makes it seem like she cares about everybody's well being. That cute innocent appearance of hers makes it hard for people to believe that she is twisted is such ways. She acts very well in high-pressure moments. Usually she would analyze the sticky situation she is in. Most of the time, she would play along untill she can strike and take control of the situation. She always has to create some kind of strategy in her head before going into action. If she becomes comfortable with you, she would start acting different in many ways. At first appearance she would seem shy and innocent but after, she would start to curse. Which she wouldn't if she was still trying to make good impressions. It is also like a 180 degrees change. Unlike sitting in a ladylike pose, she would start slouching down and burping all over the place. She would act more "obnoxious" and more blunt but still thinks before speaking. She doesn't like stiff people and will usually comment "Geez, lighten up." Because she is always pulling pranks, she loves to laugh. Even if it is mean such as, someone hitting the wall and crying. She may try to hold her laughter because she feels bad but it is noticable. She is also very mischevious and curious person and always snoops around. She loves to tell lame jokes such as, " Why did Simba's father die? Because he could MUFUSA!" (Lion king reference) and "What do ghost wear in the rain? BOOOOOOOOOOTS!"  
It may not seem like it but, she isn't as bossy as you think. She is more a of a "go with the flow" type of person. She isn't really a stubborn person either.  For some reason, she is scared of supernatural creatures such as witches. Usually lonely people hold their emotions inside right? That doesn't apply to Yuet. She doesn't want to be emotional and tear up but she can't help it. She tries to stop crying but tears keep flowing out. She acts aegyo to new people but in reality hates doing it because it doesn't fit her real personality. If you're her acquaintance, be careful. You don't know when she will prank you. She always has these sneaky little grins when she thinks of something like pranks, erted stuff, secrets, ect. As y as she is, she feels very uncomfortable when people touch her. She acts really "drunk" and happy-go-lucky when she is tired which is why she is grumpy when people wake her up. Although, as a person, she doesn't get angry very easily but isn't patient which makes it easy to annoy her. The one thing that makes her "human" is when she is nervous. When she is nervous. She becomes very shy and whispers but in a very high pitch voice. This is the only time where she actually acts cute without her actually implying it.  


  • Animals -/ Since she can transform and listen to their thoughts.
  • Cats
  • Money
  • Lame jokes
  • Pranks
  • Brocolli
  • Bacon stripes and bacon stripes and bacon stripes
  • Meat
  • Rain -/ The sound and feel soothes her
  • Cloudy days -/ Hates the sunlight
  • Warm places -/ Being born in a home with no heat makes her realizes how much she love random warm spots
  • Funny people -/ Likes to laugh


  • Watermelons -/ Had a dream where watermelons ganged up and squashed her to death
  • Vegetables -/ With the exception of brocolli. Has more carnivoir senses than herbavoir.
  • Stiff people who can't take a joke
  • Braggers
  • Scary movies
  • Frogs -/ Only animal she hates
  • Skinship
  • Sunlight -/ Hurts her eyes


  • Napping
  • Baking
  • Hunting
  • Sketching -/ Has no artistic skills though


  • Sleeps in even if he is late
  • High pitch voice when nervous or embarassed
  • Observe -/ Every movement or sound that she feels
  • Chatters teeth when scared
  • Will always think before talking

Talents: Smelling money.

  • Has no balance or coordination whatsoever
  • Has a phobia which she is scared of watermelons
  • Loses things easily
  • Trips a lot
  • Gets annoyed when people ask her questions multiple times
  • Perfers older men
  • Has a unicorn plushie that she adores (secretly)
  • Is easily tempted by greed
  • Pretends to care but in the end, will sacrafice an ally is needed
  • Acts innocent and naive gaining people's sympathy when she does something wrong
  • Likes the fact that she is short. Makes it easier for her to sneak around.
  • Catnip will make her crazy
  • Likes to play the innocent card when she is in trouble
  • Had depressions when she was younger

Does your character use profanities? 
( x ) yes ( ) no
If so, how often, or when?:

She only curses around people who she is comfortable around and will curse untill her heart contents.


As a young girl, she was unlucky enough to be born in such family will little money or power. Each day would be a battle for survival for her family. Her parents would had to work labor jobs that didn't make much money. She also had to labor jobs at the age of six. That age kids were suppose to be playing and enjoying their youth. Her childhood was never fun. It was always filled with work. Unlike most people, her parents never had transformation powers that most people had. It made her extreamely embarassed. She also didn't like spending time with her famiyl anyways. Both parents were workoholics and rarely spend anytime with her. She grew very distance and soon forgot her love for her parents. She was an unreasonable girl and always blamed her parents for their hard lives even though she knows they work very hard. Even though it didn't seem like it, her parents only worked hard to raise her with love. But she didn't get it. This case is probably different because most kids with poor famililes would treasure her family. Yuet instead thought of them as trash and didn't really want to associate with them. In fact, she only stays with them because she needs a roof over her head and food to eat. Even thought she hunts in her animal form, she doesn't like to share food that she hunts. In fact, she doesn't like to share anything. Even at that young age, she was greedy as ever. She even had depression at a young age. The only thing that kept her from going suicidal was the games. She knew of the prize money and gifts that she would recieve if she were to win. She would throw her whole life to enter even thought she knew that she might not win. To her, dying in the games would be better than living in poverty. She dedicated her whole life to get into the games. 
Lee JeongKi / Father / 55
He is the most workoholic father there is. He rather seems strict and mean on the outside but he is very careing kind on the inside. He only puts up that front because of his lifestyle. He loves his family to death and is sad about how Yuet rarely spends any attention to him.
Lee SooJin / Mother / 45
She is a very kind and caring woman. Dispite of work, she tries to give her fmaily all the attention that they need. Especially her daughter but work keeps her busy. She hates the fact that her child is distant from her as well. 

Siblings: None
Other Relatives: None


Infinite - Sunggyu | Woohyun | Sungyeol | Sungjong | Myungsoo (L) | Howon (Hoya) | Dongwoo
Block B - Kyung | Yukwon | Minhyuk (B-Bomb) | Jihoon (P.O) | Jiho (Zico) | Jaehyo | Taeil
2PM - Junsu | Junho | Chansung | Nichkhun | Taecyeon | Jaebeom | Wooyoung
Dae Guk Nam Ah (DGNA)/The Boss - Suhoon (Mika) | Hyunchul (Karam) | Hyunmin | Injoon | Jihwan (Jay)
Personality: (
He is the typical bad boy type... or so it seems on the outside. He only puts up a cold and cool front because he wants to feel stronger. In fact, he is one of the dorkiest nicest person you will ever meet. He is a very shy person and doesn't speak very much when he acts cold. He likes to talk a lot when he is close with someone. He loves his family to death which is why he is in the games. He needs to bring home money for his family since they are also poor. But unlike Yuet, they are the most important people in his life. He also doesn't enjoy fighting.
Back-Up Partner: 

Infinite - Sunggyu | Woohyun | Sungyeol | Sungjong | Myungsoo (L) | Howon (Hoya) | Dongwoo
Block B - Kyung | Yukwon | Minhyuk (B-Bomb) | Jihoon (P.O) | Jiho (Zico) | Jaehyo | Taeil
2PM - Junsu | Junho | Chansung | Nichkhun | Taecyeon | Jaebeom | Wooyoung
Dae Guk Nam Ah (DGNA)/The Boss - Suhoon (Mika) | Hyunchul (Karam) | Hyunmin | Injoon | Jihwan (Jay) 

Back-Up Partner's Personality: 
He is a very annoying person when you first meet him. He will talk and talk and talk. He also asks a lot of questions. He also teases and is sarcastic a lot. However, he puts up that front to shield his sadness. He acts fun and loving but in reality, he is depressed. He never wanted to be in the games and wated to enjoy life. He is a slight playboy and will always try to woo the girl.
First Impressions: 
Dongwoo / He looked very badass but his actions tell me that he doesn't enjoy fighting. Yuet thought that he was a very good lookcing fellow, since most guys in his community and ugly. In fact, his looks made her heart skip a beat.
Kyung / He was an annoying guy who would always try to put his arm around her. She always poked and asked her questions which got on her nerve. However, he was good looking so she tried to put up with it. 
How You Met: 
Dongwoo / While hunting, she sniffed a different scent, a scent of a contestant. She stalked over to find a good looking male wondering around. She accidently stepped on a leaf which made a crackling sound. He paused and looked around his surroundings. She decided to attack by stalking up and slashing her claws in her laopard form. He noticed right in time and dodged her attack. 
Kyung / She was wondering around in her squirrel form when she spotted him resting under a tree. She thought it would be funning so she started to throw acorns at him. He woke up and suddenly jumped into the tree. She scurried away but he followed her trying to get revenge for disturbing his sleep. She hid and transformed into a wolf and tried to bite him. But oddly he handled dogs well so he calmed her down. 


Password: Miss A - Touch

Comments: Hi C:
Good luck on your story ~


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