White Maidan


AFF Name : xflaminfox

Profile link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/48642



Name : Lee Sang Ki

Nickname(s) : Black Cat [Known for his sneakiness]

Age : 16

D.O.B : 21/06/95

Birthplace : Busan, South Korea

Gender : Male

Ethnicity : Korean

Likes :
- Sleeping
- Pokemon
- Blackmailing
- Snow
- Money
- Candy/Sweets/Pasteries
- Lame Jokes
- Gum
- Cats
- Brocolli


Dislikes :

- Vegetables [Except brocolli]
- Watermelons
- Stiff people
- Braggers
- Dogs
- Bugs/Spider
- Scary movies
- Frogs
- Skinship
- Waking up

Hobbies :
- Sketching (really bad)
- Blackmailing
- -Blocking lovey-dovey couples
- Napping
- Baking

Habits :
- Sleeps in even if he is late
- High pitch voice when nervous or embarassed
- Observing strangers
- Chatters teeth when scared

Trivia :
- Has no balance or coordination whatsoever
- Has a phobia which he is scared of watermelons
- Loses things easily
- Trips a lot
- Gets annoyed when people ask him questions multiple times
- Perfers older woman
- Has a unicorn plushie that he adores (secretly)
- Is easily tempted by greed
- Pretends to care but in the end, will sacrafice a ally is needed
- Randomly knows Kung Fu
- Acts innocent and naive gaining people's sympathy when he does something wrong
- Knows many people who are in the underground/black market scene


Personality : 
Sang Ki is a strange person indeed. He can stay still and stare at people and figure out their flaws in minutes. It takes awhile for him to grasp on one person's personality but he learns the person's flaws
and troubles and can use them against them. He will blackmail people if he feels the need to. He is very good with first appearance. When you first meet him, you will find that he acts shy and sweet with a touch of innocent in his voice which would make the people like him. Then will use the person as much as he can for his own needs but it is very indirect so people don't notice as much. He may be sweet to you, but he is just lowering your defences. He does this a lot. It is hard to tell if he is just faking his kindness or is actually real. He pretends to trust you most of the time but doesn't really trust people easily. He has a very weak heart and is tempted by greed. He may have allies but, he isn't hesitant to throw them away if the situation is bad. Unless they are his super duper close friends. He would have to make a hard decision. He usually only looks after himself but makes it seem like he cares about everybody's well being. That cute innocent appearance of his makes it hard for people to believe that he is twisted is such ways. He acts very well in high-pressure moments. Usually he would analyze the sticky situation he is in. Most of the time, he would play along untill he can strike and take control of the situation. He is naturally an intelligant person and an excellent strategist. Although, he doesn't like bragging in to other people. He is greedy but no bragger. He always tries to seize an opportunity to make money. Most of the time, he'll joke around and tell people to pay him when he does a simple gesture. For example, when someone asks him for information, he'll charge them or when he gets a tissue for them, he'll charge them.
If you do become close with him, you will notice that he would start acting different in many ways. At first appearance he would seem shy and innocent but after, he would start to curse which he wouldn't if he was still trying to make good impressions. It is also like a 180 degrees change. Unlike sitting in a straight posture, he would start slouching down and burp all over the place. He would act more "obnoxious" and more blunt. He doesn't like stiff people and will usually comment "Geez, lighten up."He loves to laugh even if it is mean such as, someone hitting the wall and crying. He may try to hold his laughter because he feels bad but it is noticable. Lazy is one of the world that you can describe him as well. He will not do a job if the pay is low or help others if there is nothing in it for him. He loves to tell lame jokes such as, " Why did Simba's father die? Because he could MUFUSA!" (Lion king reference) and "What do ghost wear in the rain? BOOOOOOOOOOTS!"  It may not seem like it but, he isn't as bossy as you think. He is more a of a "go with the flow" type of person. He isn't really a stubborn person either. He has a crazy sweet tooth and loves to eat everything that is horrible for your teeth. He has a weird phobia and is extreamly scared of watermelons. It may be since he had a dream about watermelons squishing him to death when he was younger. Usually people hold their emotions inside right? That doesn't apply to Sang Ki. He doesn't want to be emotional and tear up but he can't help it. He tries to stop crying but tears keep flowing out. If you're his acquaintance, be careful. You don't know when he will prank you. Of couse the pranks as harmless since they have done nothing wrong. He always has these sneaky little grins when he thinks of something like pranks, erted stuff, secrets, ect. His mind is filled with every little bits of the world. As y as he is, he feels very uncomfortable when people touch him. He loves to sleep and hates it when people wake him up. He even sets his alarm clock a half hour early so he can sleep it. Sometimes, he will sleep in even if he is running late and has no time. He acts really "drunk" and happy-go-lucky when he is tired which is why he is grumpy when people wake him up. Although, as a person, he doesn't get angry very easily but isn't patient which makes it easy to annoy him. The one thing that makes him "human" is when he is nervous. When he is nervous, he becomes very shy and whispers but in a very high pitch voice. This is the only time where he actually acts cute without him actually implying it.  

Preffered magic :
Sang Ki is a shadow user.

Speciality :
Whenever there is a shadow near him, he is able to use it to hide and erase his presense. He can also use it to move around but only shadows that are around him. Usually he would use this techinique when he is hiding or planning a sneak attack. He can also transfer to a person's shadow without being noticed. He can bind people as well but only when they are in a large shadow. He can cast shadow magic on his legs allowing him to move more fast and nimble. Since there is always shadow under his feet, it basically pushes his legs allowing him to move quickly and jump higher. He fights combat with his opponents using basic Kung Fu and giving shadow punches/kicks. He can cast shadow minions to help him fight but usually they are used for a distraction since they are easily defeated. He most powerful move is when he fuses himself with the shadows. This allows him more strength and speed. But this comes with a price. It uses large mana causing his legs and arms to paralysis after it has been activated for too long. It takes around three days to recover.

Backup magic & speciality :
Thunder user. Can use lightning kicks and punches with incredible speed. Although, strength is weaker than speed. Can fuse with thunder allowing him to float on air and move quicker than ever. This form only lasts for a few minutes since it it hard to keep a hold of. He is able to up electrcity from electronics giving him more power. He is able to shoot electro balls at enemies as well. He can also paralyze enemies which last around 30 mins. His strongest attack would be creating a very large thunder spear are throwing at the opponent. Even if it misses, it creates a large electric explosion.

Inherits the magic / found it / gifted : Gifted


Ulzzang name : Lee Chi Hoon

Links (3-5) :

Backup ulzzang : 
Park Hyung Seok

Links (2-3) :
Casual Links :

Formal Links :

Home Links  :

Training Links :


Parents : [ relationship / name / age / magic (if have) ]
Father / Lee JeongKi / 33 / None / Deceased
Mother / Lee SooJin / 25 / None / Deceased 

Siblings ,IDOLS only (max 2) : none

Background : 
He was born in a very small village near the borders of their country. His parents were young but loved him. Their village had very few magic users so most of them were farmers. He lived on the farm for five years untill the slave traders came. They burned down and captured everybody weak person including his family. He was young and did not know what the situation was. The slave traders sold their family to miners who made them work too hard and caused his parents to pass away. He was alone and was whipped because he cried. He suddenly binded the man and stopped him from moving. The master who owned the mines happend to be there observing his slaves. He saw potential in Sang Ki and took him in. He began to use his magic for theifery and blackmail. Basically, he taught him the arts of blackmail, trickery, and how money was everything. He was the person who also introduced him into the black market when he did some missons and assination requests for money. He also began to play poker and some suspicious places to gain more money. Usually he would cheat and no one would catch him. 
When he was thirteen, he betrayed the man who raised him by greed and killed him. He took most of his valuble possessions and left.

Best Friends (idols only) : [ max 2. Name / Age / Magic (if have) ]
Jiyeon/ 17 / Fire magic
 / 18 / Shapeshifter

Their personality :
Jiyeon: She is a very sarcastic person who seems very cold. She is also slightly hot-tempered but don't let her mean girl appearance get to you, she is on the of the most understanding trustworthy people out there.
: He is a very calm person who is seen as the peacemaker. He doesn't like to fight often but is very strong when he does. He is very loyal and trustworthy but sometimes is too dense or confused.

Rival (idols only) : Suzy

Why? : Suzy is a very intelligant person who loves competitions. She believes in hardwork and will not settle for anyone who doesn't put any effort in. Sang Ki is the exact opposite of her gifted with powers. He rarely has to put effort in anything. 



Name : Suzy

Age : 17

Personality :
She is a hardworking person who always strives for the best. She isn't naturally smart but studies a lot giving her a lot of knowledge. She is very competitive and slightly has a low-tolerance. She tries to stay calm and cool but you can read her emotions easily. She hates people who don't give an effort and will try to bring them down. 

Magic (if have) : She can recite spells. She has to chant the spell for it to work. She can remember 100 spells ranging from support to combat spells. For example, she can conjure fire, water, and thunder but it is very weak. She can also chant barrier spells and place them on her allies.

Same guild? : Nope

Backup Interest : Eunji



Password : PIXIEDUST

Comments or request? If have : 
When Suzy realizes her feelings but Sang Ki doesn't realize his own feelings? C:

Any Things you left : Nope ~


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