Application for NexUs: Next Up and In Control


~Contact Info~
Username: Gingi_306
e-mail: [email protected]

~Character Info~
Full Name: Daniella Dao-ming Meng
Nickname(s): Ella, Ming, Dani, Dao Dao, Mimi
Age: (15-21) 17 almost 18
Birthday: March 10, 1994
Birthplace: Orlando, Florida, USA
Hometown: Busan, Korea
Ethnicity: Half Korean  Quarter Chinese-Quarter American
Height: 168cm
Weight: 45kg


Ulzzang/Model Name: Lee So Ah

~Character's Personal Info~
  • talking
  • laughing
  • her pet puppy
  • sports
  • food
  • Daisies
  • listening to music
  • animals
  • dancing
  • chocolate chip ice cream
  • the color pink
  • studying

  • playing sports
  • singing
  • playing with her pet puppy
  • studying
  • ballet

  • Many people mistake her for Jia because they look a lot a like
  • Can’t keep secrets
  • When she is scared she tends to talk less
  • has a pet puppy called Reina
  • Has a strong Busan accent

Daniella is a very loud and bubbly person. She loves to laugh and she loves to joke around. She is known to have an extremely loud uncontrollable crazy laugh. She has a wide, contagious smile and when she smiles, the people around her can't help but to do the same. She is an extremely talkative person and loves to engage herself in many conversations. She doesn't care if the person responds or not because if they don't, she gets to talk more and if they do, then she gets to have a normal conversation with some one, which doesn't happen very often for her. Many people find Daniella annoying for her talkativeness, which is why not many people engage themselves in a conversation with her. Though she seems shy at first, she is really a a hyper outgoing type of person.

Daniella isn't afraid of getting into new things, especially sports. She especially loves sports that include a lot of running; her favorite sports include: basketball, soccer, and baseball. She even joined a few sports teams in her school. She has tried getting into singing with the support of her father. Among all things that she got herself into, dancing has to be her absolute favorite. She got into dancing at the age of 7, and she has been engaging herself in as many Ballet related activities ever since.

History: Daniella was born in Orlando, Florida while her parents and older sister were on vacation. After she was born, her parents returned to Busan, Korea for a couple of years. Within the first year of living back in Busan, Daniella’s younger brother was born. Another year after that, her family decided to move to Loudi, which is located in central Hunan province, China. There, Daniella grew up and began, and finished, Elementary School. After Elementary School, Daniella’s dad got promoted and they moved back to Busan, Korea. While growing up in China, Daniella had trouble making friends. People would constantly be making fun of her; they would call her names, push her around, and they would make fun of her. Not until she moved to Korea did she make her first friend, Park Kyeong-Eun. But even in Korea she was still being bullied, so it has always been a bit hard for her to make friends.

Family Members:

Father: Half Chinese-Half American

  • Name: Joshua Meng
  • Age: 50
  • He is supportive and caring. He sees Daniella as ‘daddy’s little girl’, which is annoying at times.

Mother: Fully Korean

  • Name: Lim Eunmi
  • Age: 47
  • She very Protective, doesn’t like the fact that Daniella is debuting (she thinks one child was enough)


  • Name: Jia Meng
  • Age: 23
  • She is the rapper of Miss A, she was also against the fact of Daniella debuting at first, but then she began to support her. Jia and Daniella are very close but there are times where they don’t get along. Jia was the one who came up with the nickname Dao Dao, which Daniella hates.


  • Name: Daniel Meng
  • Age: 16
  • Status: Though they are a couple of years apart, Daniella and Daniel are like twins. Even though he is younger he is caring. But when he isn’t caring, he is very annoying.

  • playing piano
  • sports
  • dancing
  • MC-ing
  • Acting

  • flying bugs (especially flies, but not lady bugs)
  • rude people
  • the nickname Dao Dao
  • yelling
  • broccoli
  • bullies
  • harsh pranks
  • sad or awkward atmospheres
  • horror movies
  • crying

Style: Daniella doesn’t like wearing clothes that attract too much attention. She likes wearing clothes that she feels comfortable in. Nothing tight, nothing too loose, and nothing too revealing. You’re most likely to find her in a pair of blue jeans, a plain t-shirt, converse and maybe a beanie. The accessories and beanies that she owns come in a variety of colors, but since, she likes the color pink, her beanies and accessories are mostly pink.

Mask: N/A

~Idol Info~
Stage Name and nickname (onstage one besides your stagename):
Stage Name: DaNi   Nickname: Mimi
Position: Lead Vocal, Main Dancer

Other Jobs: Acting
Experience(s): She was a back-up dancer for a few MV’s and she has appeared in a couple of CF’s
Individual Fanclub Name: Dynamic
Individual Fanclub Color: Hot Pink

~Relationships Info~
Partner/Love Interest (has to be in Teen Top or B.A.P): Yoo YoungJae
Partner's Personality: There are times where he acts like an annoying know-it-all, but towards Daniella, he acts really sweet, unless it’s when she’s is studying
Crushes: U-Kiss’s Dongho
Best Friend: Park Kyeong-Eun, MissA’s Suzy
Friends: MissA’s Min and Fei, Wonder Girls’ HyeRim, INFINITE’s SungJong
Rival(s): f(x) Krystal and Kim MiRa (was Daniella's bully in school)


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