Almost finished!

Hey guys, just checking up on my lovely lemon drops <3

IM NEARLY FINISHED! My exams are nearly over - just a maths one on friday ^^

For those you care, here are my results so far;

Maths mock - 93% - A*

Art - B "Your works are A grade but you final piece is a B grade. So i'm giving you a B" -,- stupid teacher. So what if I want to be a graphic artist rather than a fine       artist? Yeah, as you can see, I'm not happy about that grade.

Italian Reading - A

Italian speaking - B :D

Italian Listening - A*

Media Studies - A, 3 marks off an A*

Triple science - A


So yeah, pretty good in all. Still need my psychology and english results back though ^^ I'm happy with a B in speaking because I have a stutter. Yeah, its really annoying. I seriously hate it. And when I'm nervous -in a drama thing or speaking test- my stutter goes insane! I literally can't say anything >.< So a B is much higher than expected :D

In english today I found out for our next coursework peice we're doing creative writing. I couldn't be happier! Writing is so much fun ^^ But, our theme is conflict/action. Something which I can't write about -,- why can't we have romance or drama insted?!?!?!?! T_T So I'm trying to work on the 'conflict' idea and turn it into a drama/romance piece. 

Or I could just write a o. Thats my back up plan :)


Although my last exam is on friday, I can't actually write and upload anything on the weekend :( I know I'm pissing all of you off but I seriously have no time. I'm at an Explorer Scout camp all weekend. And yes, I'm a Scout. Dont judge! Last night my friends found out a really douchey guy is going so we plan on killing him >:D Well... not maybe kill but make the weekend horrible for him. We plan on taking all of his tent poles in the night, so it collapses on him in the middle of hte night. And we plan on putting gross stuff in all of his food >:D

Imma so evil ^^

Anyway, I'll see ( well not see but talk perhaps? ) you chapettes later <33


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HELL YEAH O!! Hahaha xD you got all A's and B's...omg you're so smart ;_;