Happy Birthday, Mr. Choi Dongmin :)

I'm on my phone right now, so nothing fancy to read ^^; Anyway, Dongmin is from the rookie group "Chaos." I heard of them and thought, "What the heck, why not check 'em out?" Oh boy, am I glad I did. Dongmin caught my eye the moment I saw him, and nobody had stirred my interest like that in a while since Key, so I felt that he was special. I searched everywhere for band information, but couldn't find any, so I gave up. Soon, though, some Youtube user posted basic information, and wala, I remembered Dongmin's birthday, February 28th! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DONGMIN-AH~~~~ <33333


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ah, happy birthday future brother-in-law ;)
KpopCookie #2
I heard of them but haven't listened to them yet, i shall do that now XD