Have you ever thought...?


Have you ever thought of running away even just for a day?

Just to get away, just to think, to escape for a moment, to not think of things.

Somehow deep inside you question yourself have you done things right…

right decisions.

Sometimes I feel lost, so lost.

Then I would think or remember there a lot of people having heavier problems and who am I to complain…

It’s just …

I want to get away even for a day…just for a day.


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Nunayah #1
Nothing feels better than to take off... to be alone in a new and strange place totally free from any kind of compromises... it makes the return so much valuable... and dpn't worry we can symphatise with others only to a certain extend and after that we just live with our own problems,they are always the closest to us...
I've ran away from home once. It wasn't fun. But I guess I'm speaking from the wrong context :/