It's pissing me off a bit.

Well, today my brother came home from college and he brought his friend. His friend was like "did you tell her you're engaged?" and I was like "what the ?". He wouldn't tell me! Both of them wouldn't tell me! My brother said he'd tell me when I was..ready. What ever the hell that means. I mean , my brother's gay. We judge guys together. Is gay marriage even legal in Indiana?

I'm so confused~~ Oh yeah, I also chose a colour that was easier to read xD


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JonghyunnieHyung #1
lol oh wow my typos of doom fail.
JonghyunnieHyung #2
you can be engaged....even if marriage isnt legal in that state o_O all hed have to do is go to a state where it IS legal to be marriaged...well... legally XD
Did he tell you he was gay? You should ask him.... wait don't, that'll just make it awkward.